Human Biology And Nutritional Sciences
Faculty | MSc | PhD |Shared |Courses
Chair - Jack K. Barclay (354 Animal Science/Nutrition Bldg., Ext. 6168)
Graduate co-ordinator - Terry E. Graham (330 Animal Science/ Nutrition Bldg.,
Ext. 3028) (E-mail:
Graduate secretary - Andra Williams (353 Animal Science/ Nutrition Bldg.,
Ext. 6356) (E-mail:

Jack K. Barclay BA Western Ontario, MS, PhD Michigan - Professor
Henry S. Bayley BSc Reading, PhD Nottingham - Professor
William J. Bettger BS, PhD Missouri - Associate Professor
Stan R. Blecher MD Witwatersrand, FCCMG - Professor
John D. Brooke DLC (Hons) Loughborough, MS Wisconsin, PhD
Loughborough - Professor
James P. Dickey BSc, MSc Waterloo, PhD Queen's - Assistant Professor
Harold H. Draper BSA Manitoba, MSc Alberta, PhD Illinois - Professor
Terry E. Graham BA & BPHE, MSc, PhD Queen's - Professor
Bruce J. Holub BSA, MSc, PhD Toronto - Professor
James B. Kirkland BSc, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Michael I. Lindinger BSc Victoria, MSc, PhD McMaster - Assistant
Kelly A. Meckling-Gill BSc Calgary, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Laura E. Nagy BS Yale, MS, PhD California (Berkeley) - Associate
Susan K. Pfeiffer BA Iowa, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
James R. Potvin BHK Windsor, MSc, PhD Waterloo - Assistant Professor
Lawrence L. Spriet BSc Waterloo, MSc York, PhD McMaster - Associate
Brian A. Wilson BA & BPHE Queen's, MPE Windsor, EdD Tennessee -
Assistant Professor
William D.H. Woodward BSc, MSc British Columbia, PhD Sheffield -
Associate Professor
From the Department of Animal and Poultry Science:
James L. Atkinson BSc UMIST, Manchester, MSc London, PhD Guelph -
Associate Professor
Brian W. McBride BSc, MSc Guelph, PhD Alberta - Professor
E. James Squires BSc, MSc, PhD Memorial - Associate Professor
Trevor K. Smith BSc British Columbia, MSc Manitoba, PhD Cornell - Associate
Associated Graduate Faculty:
J. Craig Alexander BSA Ontario Agricultural College, MSA Toronto, PhD
Wisconsin - Professor
Stephanie A. Atkinson BA Western Ontario, PhD Toronto - McMaster
Rhonda Bell BSc, MSc Waterloo, PhD Cornell -University of Waterloo
Arend Bonen BA Western Ontario, MSc, PhD Illinois - University of
Tammy M. Bray BS Fu Jen, MS, PhD Washington - Ohio State
C. Young Cho BA Seoul, Cand Agro Royal Vet. & Agr. Univ. (Copenhagen),
MSc Guelph, Dr Agro Kyushu (Japan) - Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources - Adjunct
Douglas Friars BPHE McMaster, MD Queen's - Physician
George J.F. Heigenhauser BS Western Ontario, MSc, PhD Michigan -
McMaster University
Laurie Hoffman-Goetz BA SUNY (Binghamton), MA, PhD Michigan -
University of Waterloo
Eric Hultman MD Stockholm - Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Mario A. Lafortune BSc Ottawa, MSc, PhD Pennsylvania State - Nike
William R. Leonard BS Pennsylvania State, MA, PhD Michigan - University of
William E. McIlroy BSc, MSc, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor, Physical
Therapy, University of Toronto
Ranjit Singh MBBS London, FRCP - Guelph General Hospital
Mark Tarnopolsky BPE, MD, PhD McMaster, FRCPC - McMaster
The MSc and PhD graduate programs provide opportunities
for research on a broad range
of topics relating to nutrition, biochemistry, metabolism, exercise, toxicology,
immunology, and
gene expression. Students may study any of the areas of experimental nutrition which are being
investigated within the department.
The department also offers an MSc by coursework and research project for students
interested in a knowledge-based postgraduate degree. The objective is to provide an advanced
understanding of nutritional sciences and the interface between nutrition and contemporary
biology. The education in nutritional sciences offered by this option will provide a learning
opportunity for scientists who have a strong undergraduate general-sciences background.
The department also offers a specialization in nutrition, exercise and metabolism at both
the MSc and PhD levels. Its objective is to provide students with an interdisciplinary
understanding of the interaction among nutrition, exercise and metabolism at the molecular,
cellular, organ, and whole-body levels. This objective is met through formal course requirements
and thesis research on the co- ordinate regulation of metabolism by nutrition and exercise.

Admission Requirements
In addition to the general university requirements for admission to graduate studies,
applicants to each of the MSc options (By thesis; by coursework and project; and nutrition,
exercise and metabolism specialization) must have an average grade of at least 'B' (75%) during
their last two years of study and have taken undergraduate courses in nutrition, biochemistry,
physiology and statistics.
Applicants who lack more than two of the prerequisite undergraduate courses designated
below will be required to complete at least one semester as full-time undergraduate students and
obtain an average grade of at least 'B' (75%). Applicants whose qualifications cannot be
satisfactorily evaluated may be admitted as provisional students.
Applicants are expected to have taken the following courses. (Courses taken elsewhere
will be evaluated for equivalency by the University of Guelph department which offers the
- Nutrition At least one course in nutrition or nutritional metabolism. Students who have no
background in nutrition will take Fundamentals of Nutrition (7103190).
- chemistry The equivalent of Introductory Biochemistry (1902580) and Structure and
Function in Biochemistry (1903560).
- Biology The equivalent of Human Physiology (7503941:2). General courses in Biology are
not equivalents.
- Statistics The equivalent of Statistics I (8902040). Applicants for the nutrition, exercise and
metabolism specialization should also have basic courses in applied physiology. If this is lacking,
students will take one of the following: Human Respiration, 7504060; Human Cardiovascular
Physiology, 7504220; Work Physiology, 7504320; or Regulation of Human Metabolism,
Degree Requirements
Msc by Thesis
Students undertaking a research-based MSc must defend a thesis based on original
research and must complete at least 1.5 credits of coursework as follows:
- Nutrition
- Students must take two of the following three departmental nutrition courses:
- 7106400 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
- 7106420 Nutrition and Host Defence
- 7106440 Nutrition, Gene Expression and Cell Signalling
- And
- 7106500 Seminar1 - Participation is a continuing requirement of all students
and one semester
- of credit, earned in part by a presentation of their research, is required of all Msc by thesis
- (Nutrition, exercise and metabolism students must also take the following two
- 7106700 Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism
- 7106710 Advanced Topics in Nutrition and Exercise)
- Statistics
- 8906950 Statistical Methods for the Life Sciences.
- Advisory committees may require candidates to take additional courses relevant to the
field of
- thesis research.
MSc by Coursework and Project Program
Students in this category must complete at least 3.5 credits as follows:
- Nutrition
- Students must take three electives from the following five departmental courses (1.5
- 7106400 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals (0.5)
- 7106420 Nutrition and Host Defence (0.5)
- 7106440 Nutrition, Gene Expression and Signalling (0.5)
- 7106700 Nutrition, Exercises and Metabolism (0.5)
- 7106710 Advanced Topics in Nutrition and Exercise (0.5)
- And
- 7106090 Advances in Nutritional Research (0.5)
- And
- 7106500 Seminar (0.0) - Participation is required of all MSc by course-work-and-
- research-project students.
- 7106900 Research Project (1.0) - Students will present their research project findings in
- seminar format as part of 7106900.
- Statistics
- 8906950 Statistical Methods for the Life Sciences (0.5) `

Students may study any of the areas of experimental nutrition which are being investigated
within the department.
Admission Requirements
Completion of an MSc degree and evidence of research accomplishment is required. The
applicant must have completed the same background courses as candidates for admission to the
MSc degree by thesis option in this department.
Degree Requirements
- Nutrition
- Students take the following program unless completed (or the equivalent was completed)
as part of the student's MSc program.
- Three electives from the following five departmental courses (nutrition, exercise and
metabolism students - see below)
- 7106400 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
- 7106420 Nutrition and Host Defence
- 7106440 Nutrition, Gene Expression and Signalling
- 7106700 Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism
- 7106710 Advanced Topics in Nutrition and Exercise
- And
- 7106500 Seminar - Participation is a continuing requirement of all students and one
semester of credit,
- earned in part by presentations of their research, is required of all PhD students.
- Statistics
- 8906950 Statistical Methods for the Life Sciences
- Advisory committees may require candidates to take additional courses relevant to the
field of thesis
- research.
- Qualifying Examination
- PhD students are required to pass the qualifying examination described in the Graduate
- Thesis Requirements
- PhD students must present a thesis based on original research conducted in one of the
areas encompassed by the research program of the department.
- Specialization in Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism
- PhD students in this specialization must meet the following requirements as part of the
above PhD program in Nutritional Sciences (unless equivalent coursework was completed at the
MSc level). Course Requirements
- Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism
- Students must take the following two courses as part of their three departmental
- electives
- 7106700 Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism
- 7106710 Advanced Topics in Nutrition and Exercise
- Exercise and Metabolism
- In addition, PhD students must take one of the following courses:
- 7506050 Sympathetic Nervous System and Human Metabolism
- 7506120 Topics in Biological Anthropology
- 7506130 Advanced Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in Humans
- 7506180 Biology of Human Aging
- 5806000 The Structure and Function of Muscle
- 5806010 Regulation in Muscle Metabolism

Msc (Aquaculture) Interdepartmental Program
The Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences participates in the master of
science in aquaculture program. Professor Cho is a member of the Aquaculture Interdepartmental
Group. This faculty member's research and teaching expertise includes aspects of aquaculture; he
may serve as adviser for MSc (Aquaculture) students. Please consult the Aquaculture listing for a
detailed description of the MSc (Aquaculture) interdepartmental program.
Toxicology MSc/PhD Collaborative Program
The Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences participates in the MSc/PhD
program in Toxicology. Professor Kirkland is a member of the Toxicology Interdepartmental
Group. This faculty member's research and teaching expertise includes aspects of toxicology; he
may serve as advisers for MSc and PhD students. Please consult the Toxicology listing for a
detailed description of the MSc/PhD collaborative program.
Biophysics Interdepartmental Group (BIG)
Several faculty members in the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences
are members of the Biophysics Interdepartmental Group, which offers MSc and PhD programs in
biophysics. Students admitted to and enrolled in the biophysics program and advised by a
member of the graduate faculty in the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences
will be accommodated in the facilities of the department but are subject to the regulations of the
biophysics program. Members of the graduate faculty in the Department of Human Biology and
Nutritional Sciences who are members of the Biophysics Interdepartmental Group are permitted
to advise MSc and PhD students in biophysics. These faculty members include J.D. Brooke, J.P.
Dickey, T.E. Graham, M. Lindinger, J.R. Potvin and L.L. Spriet. Please consult the Biophysics
listing for a detailed description of the graduate programs offered by the Biophysics
Interdepartmental Group.

- Nutritional Sciences
- 7106090 Advances in Nutritional Research (0.5) F, W, S
- This course provides the student with an opportunity to study a topic of choice
and involves literature research on a chosen topic. The course may stand alone (MSc thesis and
PhD students) or provide the background information for an experimental approach to the topic
(MSc coursework and project students).
- 7106400 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals (0.5) F
- This course considers the relation of neutraceuticals, functional foods,
designer foods, medical foods and food additives to foods and drugs. The course emphasizes the
development and commercialization of neutraceuticals.
- 7106420 Nutrition and Host Defence (0.5) W
- This course considers the role of nutrients in the control of mammalian
defence functions and the impact of nutritional excesses and deficiencies on these functions.
Topics include immunological defences as well as responses to xenobiotic exposure and oxidant
- 710644 Nutrition, Gene Expression and Cell Signalling (0.5) W
- This course emphasizes the role nutrients play as modulators of gene
expression at the molecular level. The mechanisms by which nutrients modulate gene expression
through specific cell signalling cascades are examined.
- 7106700 Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism (0.5) F
- A discussion of recent concepts in the relationships among nutrition, exercise and
metabolism. Information from the molecular to the whole-animal level will be presented with a
focus on understanding nutrition and exercise in the human. Emphasis is placed on the
development and testing of experimental hypotheses in these areas of research.
- 7106710 Advanced Topics in Nutrition and Exercise (0.5) W
- Advanced topics will be presented to establish an in-depth understanding of
current investigations in nutrition and exercise. Based on the integrated understanding of
nutrition and exercise developed in 7106700, the focus of this course will be to develop the
student's ability to independently analyze original research investigations.
- Physiology
- 7506050 Sympathetic Nervous System and Human Metabolism (0.5)
- A detailed examination of the impact of catecholamines on human-muscle
metabolism. Topics will include the regulation of catecholamines and tissue receptors and the
impact on lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
- 7506070 Neurophysiological Basis on Human Motor Control (0.5)
- A lecture, reading and tutorial course on the mechanisms of neural control of
human motor performance.
- 7506090 Advanced Topics in Motor Control Neurophysiology in Humans
- A reading, laboratory and tutorial study of advanced topics in spinal and brain control of
motor performance.
- 7506130 Advanced Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in Humans (0.5)
- This course examines how the energy provision pathways in human skeletal
muscle and associated organs meet the energy demands of the muscle cell during a variety of
metabolically demanding situations.
- 7506170 Respiratory Physiology (0.5)
- A lecture, seminar, reading and laboratory course in respiratory physiology.
Airway mechanics, topics in respiratory control and gas exchange are examined in humans and
comparative studies across several animal models.
- Biomechanics and Ergonomics
- 7506030 Applied Ergonomics (0.5)
- Reviews selected topics in ergonomics from a multidisciplinary perspective with
special reference to understanding the scientific basis of associated data gathering techniques and
to practicing the necessary skills. This course is also a graduate course offering in the
Department of Psychology.
- Biological Anthropology
- 7506120 Topics in Biological Anthropology (0.5)
- The application of evolutionary theory and the comparative methods of
anthropology to the study of the origin, maintenance and evolution of biological variation within
the human species. The student may focus on problems in one of the following selected areas of
emphasis: dental anthropology, forensic anthropology, human ecology and adaptability, human
variation and microevolution, and hominid palaeoanthropology.
- 7506180 Biology of Human Aging (0.5)
- A lecture, reading and tutorial course on biological gerontology, including
theories of aging control. Age-related changes of the skeleton will offer a model, but the student
may also address other aspects of biological aging after consultation with the professor.
- Other Courses
- 7106500 Seminar (0.0)
- The course consists of graduate research seminars and poster sessions. Thesis
research proposals and mid-program results are presented in the poster sessions. Student seminar
presentations are summaries of completed research.
- 7106600 Teaching Practicum (0.5)
- A course for PhD students interested in improving their teaching skills.
- 7106900 Research Project (1.0) S
- A one-semester research project in nutritional sciences which is based upon either
a state- of-the-art critical review of literature of a quality which could be submitted for
publication or a laboratory-based research project, culminating in a written report.
- 7506060 Experimental Orientation (0.5)
- Analysis of stages of conducting research; assumptions underlying experimenting;
processes in developing experimental protocol in observing and in analyzing and discussing
results of observations.
- Applied Human Nutrition
Programs of study leading to the MSc and PhD degree are available through the
Department of Family Studies, division of applied human nutrition.
- Animal Nutrition
Programs of study leading to the MSc and PhD degree in animal nutrition are available in
the Department of Animal and Poultry Science.