

Ready, Set, Pitch!

Six corporations with roots in the UofG research community to compete for $17,500 in prizes at the first annual Gryphon’s LAAIR Innovation Showcase and Pitch Competition on May 21

MSc. student loads sample for PIXE analysis

Advancing Canadian Agri-Innovations: New Research Innovation Program will benefit research community and industry

In the course of working with the 800 researchers who make the University of Guelph a hotbed of innovation, I’ve learned a lot about cutting edge science, technology and research that will have positive economic on both Canada and the world. I’ve also learned that universities and industry can benefit from learning from one another by creating innovation bridges that allow both groups to develop new skills and insights.

Image of person typing on laptop

Clear Language Unlocks Doors

Making your work accessible leads to better Academic Partnerships

No matter your field of study, there are benefits to using clear, easily understood language as the starting point for collaborative partnerships.  It piques the reader’s interest, conveys clearly potential collaboration benefits, and allows your partner to relate to your project.

Airlift pumps from FloNergia

Globe and Mail identifies FloNergia as a company to watch in 2019

Phase 2 Accelerator Guelph company FloNergia was just named one of four clean-tech companies to watch in 2019 by the Globe and Mail.

FloNergia created an airlift pump that reduces energy consumption up to 70% when compared with alternatives for practical use in aquaculture, and potential expansion into aquaponics, hydroponics industries and other markets.

Professionals talking in networking-style setup in a brightly lit atrium

Tips for Grant Writing Success

Grant writing is a challenging but necessary part of being a university researcher. To help you through the process, we asked members of the Research Innovation Team to share their top tips for writing grants that win funds.

Photo of Dr. Mansel Griffiths and Dr. Maira Medellin-Peña

Innovative biopeptide technology wins Innovation of the Year Award

The University of Guelph has selected Dr. Mansel Griffiths as the 2018 Innovation of the Year Award Winner. Griffiths received the award for pioneering the use of probiotics to reduce the spread of harmful bacteria, enhancing the health and welfare of livestock.

The biopeptide technology has immense potential to improve life for humans as well - ultimately, the technology is intended to expand into human health sciences. Medical doctor Maira Medellin-Peña was also recognized for her contribution to the innovation.

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