Senate Priorities and Planning Committee
Committee Bylaws
1. The Priorities and Planning Committee shall consist of: the President; the Provost; the Chairs of the Senate Standing Committees; one undergraduate student, and one graduate student (both elected annually by the Student Senate Caucus); the COU Academic Colleague; and one Member-at-Large (elected by Senate from the elected Senators, not already chairing a Senate Committee).
The Member-at-Large shall chair the committee for a two-year term.
2. The Senate Priorities and Planning Committee facilitates Senate in establishing its multi-year priorities.
In doing so, the Priorities and Planning Committee shall:
a) Utilize input from Senate’s standing committees to facilitate Senate in the process of establishing and approving its multi-year goals and priorities within the context of the University’s strategic and operational planning related to educational policy;
b) Support the standing committees in their activities towards achieving the multi-year goals and priorities of Senate;
c) Monitor Senate's progress towards the multi-year goals and priorities through regular updates from the standing committees;
d) Recommend adjustments or revisions to Senate's goals and priorities;
e) Receive and review the annual reports from Senate’s standing committees on their accomplishments;
f) Present an annual report to Senate synthesizing the work and achievements presented in the annual reports of the standing committees of Senate;
g) Make recommendations for the work and priorities over the next session in the context of the University's long-term goals and strategic objectives, and based on input from the Senate’s standing committees;
h) Review motions submitted under Senate bylaws section 3. Matters for Inclusion in the Agenda to determine whether the matter presented falls within the purview of Senate, and/ or its standing committees;
i) Provide recommendations and leadership for the execution of those decisions of Senate which have not been referred to other standing committees and boards of Senate.
Senate Approved: October 24, 2016