Procedure for Policy 2.6 Compulsory Non-Tuition Ancillary Fees Protocol - Student Services Fee Advisory Committee: Terms and Conditions
The official version of this policy is housed with the University Secretariat. In the event of a discrepancy, the official version will prevail. Click here for a printable version of this policy.
Parent Policy: 2.6 Compulsory Non-Tuition Ancillary Fees Protocol at the University of Guelph
Approving Authority: Board of Governors
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice-Provost (Student Affairs)
Responsible Officer: Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
Original Approval Date: November 1, 1994
Most Recent Revision Date: October 19, 2022
Definitions for Capitalized Terms used in these Terms and Conditions are provided in Section 3 of the Compulsory Non-Tuition Ancillary Fees Protocol at the University of Guelph.
1. Mandate
1.1. An Advisory Committee will be established annually for each fee which has been approved under the Protocol. Each Advisory Committee reports to the Compulsory Fees Committee on matters dealing with the applicable fee.
1.2. Each Advisory Committee will be responsible for oversight of its fee including its usage in accordance with its approved Purpose. Fees collected for a given academic year should be used in that year.
1.3. Each Advisory Committee shall act as an important source of advice regarding the Purpose funded by the fee and as such, shall:
- consult with their student colleagues on important issues and bring feedback to meetings, and
- represent student interests on the Advisory Committee.
1.4. Each Advisory Committee may add other responsibilities to its Mandate and will submit proposed changes to the Compulsory Fees Committee for approval.
2. Membership
2.1. At least 50% of committee membership should be students. Membership will include at least one undergraduate and one graduate student, each having paid CSA or GSA dues respectively.
2.2. Each program, service or unit funded by a fee will normally submit names of prospective members for its Advisory Committee for the up-coming academic year to the Compulsory Fees Committee as part of its fee report submitted annually (section 4).
2.3. Membership terms are normally a minimum of one year duration. Ideally there should be some members who take on a 2–3-year term so that the Advisory Committee benefits from longer term advisory capacity and so that there is not complete turnover in membership each year.
3. Meetings
3.1. An inaugural meeting will normally be held before the end of October at the call of the head of the program, service or unit associated with the fee. At this meeting, the Chair will normally be elected.
3.2. The Chair shall:
- establish a meeting schedule for the year. There shall be at least one meeting per semester.
- preside at all meetings of the Advisory Committee.
- draw-up the agenda for each meeting after consultation with the relevant head of the program, service or unit.
- ensure that the agenda is circulated to all members, preferably three days in advance.
- be responsible for communicating recommendations or advice from the Advisory Committee advice to the Compulsory Fees Committee.
3.3. Quorum shall require that at least 50% of members present and voting, be students.
3.4. All questions at a meeting shall be resolved by a simple majority of the members present and voting. Where a vote results in a “tie”, further discussion will take place after which, another vote will be taken.
3.5. Minutes will be taken at all meetings which include a summary of major issues discussed.
4. Reports
4.1. Each Advisory Committee will present an annual report to the Compulsory Fees Committee. Specifically, each Advisory Committee shall provide the following annual information for each fee:
- a qualitative assessment of the program, service or unit funded by the fee.
- an analysis of the expenditures against the budget.
- recommendations regarding the fee, if any.
- names of prospective members for its Advisory Committee for the upcoming academic year.
4.2. If fee revenue generated for a given year is not utilized, recommendations should be included in the report by the Advisory Committee in order to avoid surpluses.
4.3. Written reports must be submitted no later than October 31 for the previous academic year in which the fee was collected. For example, an Advisory Committee must submit its report for 2021-22 by October 31, 2022.