Procedure for Policy 2.7 - Policy on Appointment to Graduate Faculty Status

The official version of this policy is housed with the University Secretariat.  In the event of a discrepancy, the official version will prevail. Click here for a printable version of this policy. 

Parent Policy:  Policy on Appointment to Graduate Faculty Status
Approving Authority:  Senate
Responsible Office:  Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Responsible Officer:  Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Original Approval Date:  June 4, 2012
Most Recent Revision Date:  June 3, 2024
Previous Revisions:  amended December 5, 2012, amended February 11, 2013, amended June 6, 2022

1. Application

1.1.  Graduate departments, schools, or programs nominate individuals to one of three Graduate Faculty categories (Regular, Associated or Special) as detailed in the Policy, and make recommendations to the appropriate College Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies

1.1.1. Such nominations must be:

1.1.2.  Nomination materials must be forwarded electronically to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (

1.2.  To be granted and to retain some category of Graduate Faculty Status, all Faculty members are expected to demonstrate and maintain a satisfactory record of sustained scholarly research and/or creative activity, and must teach at the graduate level and/or serve as primary Graduate Advisors or Co-advisors or members of Advisory or Examination Committees.

2. Review

2.1.  Approved Graduate Faculty in every category must undergo reviews according to their approval category.

2.1.1.  Regular Graduate Faculty Tenured  Departments must review, against established and approved Departmental Guidelines and criteria, all tenured Regular Graduate Faculty Members’ scholarly productivity and mentorship of graduate students on at least a biennial basis, as part of the Performance Assessment process.  In addition to the biennial review, a review of Regular Graduate Faculty status may be requested at any time by the Chair, Dean, or Assistant Vice-President (Graduate Studies). Such review shall be conducted by the Dean, in consultation with the Chair and the Graduate Program Coordinator.  Probationary  For probationary Faculty Members, performance in the areas of scholarly productivity and mentorship of graduate students must be reviewed against established and approved Departmental Guidelines and criteria on an annual basis.  In addition to the annual review, a review of Regular Graduate Faculty status may be requested at any time by the Chair, Dean, or Assistant Vice-President (Graduate Studies). Such review shall be conducted by the Dean, in consultation with the Chair and the Graduate Program Coordinator.  Unsatisfactory Performance  Following review, should the Dean believe, there may be sufficient grounds to support a finding of unsatisfactory performance of some or all aspects of the Faculty Member’s involvement in graduate education, the Dean or their designate will conduct an investigation.  For Faculty Members who are covered by the terms and conditions of the University of Guelph Faculty Association (UGFA) Collective Agreement, such investigation shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the UGFA Collective Agreement (Article 39).  The Dean will decide whether constructive action will be taken. Such action may include a recommendation to the Assistant Vice-President (Graduate Studies) that restrictions be placed on some aspects of the Faculty Member’s graduate education activities or that graduate advisor status be revoked.

2.1.2.  Associated Graduate Faculty  Associated Graduate Faculty Members are appointed for an initial four-year term, or in the case of Contractually Limited Faculty, a length of time commensurate with their appointment.  Associated Graduate Faculty appointment is renewable pending a positive review and recommendation from the Dean or their designate to the Assistant Vice-President (Graduate Studies), with final approval by the Board of Graduate Studies.  As part of the renewal process the Associated Graduate Faculty Member will be expected to complete and submit to the Dean a report that outlines their contributions to graduate training over the current term through involvement as a co-advisor of graduate students, member of graduate student Advisory Committees and examinations, or in the teaching of graduate courses

2.1.3.  Special Graduate Faculty  Special Graduate Faculty are appointed for specific tasks in support of graduate programs.  The Chair and Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies will be responsible for reviewing the performance of Special Graduate Faculty in the context of the specific task for which they were appointed.

3. Amendment to Non-Active Status or Placement of Restrictions or Revocation of Graduate Faculty Status

3.1.  Documented complaints (e.g. from graduate students or members of an Advisory or Examination Committee) regarding the performance of a member of the Graduate Faculty who is a member of the UGFA should be brought to the attention of the College Dean, and investigated in accordance with the terms of the UGFA Collective Agreement.

3.2.  A Faculty Member’s Graduate Faculty status may be placed in non-active status, or have restrictions placed on some aspects of involvement in graduate education, or may be revoked for one or more of the following reasons:

3.2.1.  The Faculty Member has not demonstrated adequate scholarly contributions, as defined by approved Department Guidelines for Tenure, Promotion and Performance Assessment; and/or

3.2.2.  The Faculty Member has been deemed not to have performed adequately and appropriately in their role.

3.2.3.  The Faculty Member has not taught at the graduate level or served as primary graduate advisor over the immediate past period of four years.

3.3.  Following the Review Process outlined in section 2 of this document, the Dean will make their recommendation to the Assistant Vice-President (Graduate Studies) who will decide, in consultation with the Provost, if restrictions will be placed on aspects of the Faculty Member’s graduate education activities, or Graduate Faculty status is to be placed in non-active status, or revoked.

3.4.  The Dean will be informed immediately to ensure implementation of the decision.

3.5.  A Faculty Member placed in non-active status or whose status is revoked may not teach graduate courses or serve on Graduate Advisory or Examination Committees.

3.6.  A Faculty Member whose Graduate Faculty status has been deactivated, or where restrictions on their graduate education activities have been in place, or where status has been revoked, may reapply for reactivation, removal of restrictions, or reinstatement of their previous Graduate Faculty status, in accordance with the process outlined in section 1 of this document.