Upcoming Events

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Rural Symposium 2025

The Rural Symposium is an annual opportunity for University of Guelph graduate students to showcase their rural research to policymakers, policy analysts, and program staff from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness (OMAFA) and the Ontario Ministry of Rural Affairs. The event facilitates knowledge mobilization and network building between graduate students at the University of Guelph, researchers, and the Government of Ontario. The event is co-hosted by the Government of Ontario, the...

LA Guest Lecture/Climate Action Symposium: Marc Ryan & Shannon Baker

University of Guelph - Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture Series presents: Marc Ryan of Public Work, and Shannon Baker of Waterfront Toronto are the guest speakers for our special Climate Action Symposium. This symposium is supported through SSHRC Grant funds (via Nadia Amoroso) and the ...
"Reimagine" LABASH Student Conference (March 12-15, 2025)

LABash: Landscape Architecture Student Conference

The LABash conference is a student-led conference for landscape architecture that will take place March 12-15, 2025, at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. LABash is held in North America by a different landscape architecture program each year; the conference brings hundreds of students and professionals together to learn, network, and help shape the future of the profession.  The theme of the 2025 conference is “reimagine”.  With the rise of new technologies, increased environmental stresses, and a changing climate, we are celebrating innovation as we reimagine the...

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