LA Guest Lecture/Climate Action Symposium: Marc Ryan & Shannon Baker

Date and Time


Landscape Architecture Lobby - The Pit

Left to Right:  Marc Ryan and Shannon Baker
Marc Ryan of Public Work (left) and Shannon Baker of Waterfront Toronto (right)


University of Guelph - Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture Series presents:

Marc Ryan of Public Work, and Shannon Baker of Waterfront Toronto are the guest speakers for our special Climate Action Symposium.

"Climate Action - Reflections of Public Spaces and Waterfront Development"

Port Lands River FlowingImage:  Toronto Port Lands Flood Protection.

Marc Ryan, Principal and Co-Founder of Public Work.  He is a Landscape Architect and Urban Designer with more than two decades of practice in Canada, the United States and Europe, where he has provided leadership in the design and implementation of public realm projects able to capture a dramatic new sense of place. Educated in landscape architecture and architecture, his design practice focuses on the intersection of these disciplines. Marc's project experience includes park and public space design, bridge and infrastructure design, and urban design visions often related to waterfront redevelopment. Prior to co-founding Public Work, Marc Ryan was studio director at West 8.

Shannon Baker is Project Director, Parks and Public Realm for the Port Lands Flood Protection project at Waterfront Toronto. Her practice has involved concrete and speculative work across Canada and internationally, and has always been situated at the intersection of landscape, ecology, and urbanism. Throughout her career, Shannon has led projects that explore the past and present of the landscape, examining cultural uses in relationship to ecological systems through the lenses of current design philosophy and emerging technologies. The context of a site is always her point of departure, serving as inspiration and framing all her work. Shannon holds an undergraduate degree in landscape architecture from the University of Guelph, and a masters degree in urban design studies from the University of Toronto. She is a full member with seal of the OALA, and a Registered Professional Planner with OPPI.

This symposium is supported through SSHRC Grant funds (via Nadia Amoroso) and the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects.

Contacts:  Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture Coordinator:  Nadia Amoroso, Associate Professor, and LA Speaker Series Student Assistant: Sydney Black.

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