LA Talk with Jay Wall "Communication Design for Inclusive Community Engagement in Landscape Architecture"

Date and Time


Landscape Architecture Pit 


The landscape architecture program presents a special guest lecture with Jay Wall. His talk will focus on "Communication Design for Inclusive Community Engagement in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning.  

Jay Wall RGD is a creative director and communications strategist specializing in design for social change and city-building. Collaborating with firms like O2 Planning + Design, Dillon Consulting, and Agency Landscape + Planning, he translates complex urban issues into clear, compelling narratives to make public engagement more accessible. Based in Guelph, Jay has worked with municipalities, nonprofits, and design firms across North America to craft brands, campaigns, and communication strategies that elevate inclusive community participation.

This lecture is supported by the Student Teaching Enhancement Fund of the Student Federation of the Ontario Agricultural College.

All are welcome to attend.


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