
Landscape Architecture Students Participate in City of Guelph Charrette "The Knot"

Second year BLA and MLA students participated in a day-long design charrette on November 4, 2016 with the City of Guelph staff. The focus of the charrette was the complicated Guelph intersection of MacDonnell, Wyndham, Wellington, Arthur and Elizabeth streets, where one also encounters two rail crossings. All this, and the Speed River corridor with associated bike paths and trail system, made for a complex and difficult design problem which we labelled "The Knot".

MLA Students Tour Westminster Woods Greenway Stormwater System

The second year Master of Landscape Architecture students were given a tour last week of the Westminster Woods Subdivision Greenway System by the City of Guelph's Engineering Technologist Rachel Ellerman. The greenway stormwater system is an innovative approach through the use of large-scale bioretention facilities. In developing the design, the City, consultants and developers worked together to ensure the success of these stormwater features, which have the added benefits of a native plant corridor, providing both habitat and aesthetics.

Winter 2017 GTA Applications Due November 22, 2016

The Winter 2017 SEDRD Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) positions have now been posted. The deadline for applications is November 22nd, 2016. In order to be considered for a position, you must apply online at

LA Sessional Position Available for Winter 2017

The following landscape architecture undergraduate sessional lecturer position has been posted for Winter 2017 (this course is co-instructed). Candidates should apply directly through the website ( Applications are due by November 23rd, 2016. 

LARC*3050*01 - Landscape Architecture I

Model for Rehabilitation Design for Aggregate-Rich Municipalities

Heather Schibli’s Master of Landscape Architecture thesis research was presented at the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation annual 2016 conference in October; this year’s theme was Building Vibrant Rural Futures: Mobilizing Knowledge and Informing Policy. For her thesis, Heather had investigated Bioregional Design for Multiple Aggregate Extraction Site Rehabilitation in the Oak Ridges Moraine.

SEDRD Course Earns first Canadian Quality Matters Certification Mark

Congratulations to Open Learning and Educational Support, with collaboration from the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, and instructor Marianne Staempfli, who submitted the online undergraduate course EDRD*4010 DE – “Tourism Planning in the Less Developed World” to Quality Matters (QM) for course review.   This is the first Canadian course that has achieved the Quality Matters (QM) Certification Mark and the first one at the University of Guelph to be certified.

Award for Work on Refugee Camps

In May, 2015, Professor Larry Harder, a faculty member in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, participated in a workshop called the "E-scape Workshop", supported by the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) in Bar Elias, Lebanon.  Organized by Dr.

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