
Repurposing a 91-year-old Garbage Incinerator

Master of Landscape Architecture students Elizabeth Birks, Matthew Cooper and Michal Laszczuk participated in the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario's NextGen 5th Annual Design Charrette. This year, the design focus was on the Wellington Destructor, a former garbage incinerator located near Fort York in Toronto. Built in 1925 and abandoned since the 1960s, this post-industrial site offered a wonderful opportunity for design investigation for adaptive reuse.


Prof. Al Lauzon Receives 2016 OAC Alumni Distinguished Extension Award

The 2016 OAC Alumni Distinguished Extension award was presented to Professor Al Lauzon on September 14, 2016 at the OAC Welcome Back BBQ event.  This award recognizes effective extension efforts used successfully in extension outside the University classroom.

Al Lauzon is a Professor in Capacity Development and Extension and the PhD in Rural Studies program and is currently serving as Acting Director of the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development.

Gibson presents to Swedish Government on Canada’s Rural Policy Experience

On September 12, Dr. Ryan Gibson presented to the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis in Stockholm. The workshop brought together researchers from England, Finland, Norway, and Canada to discuss how governments can ensure the perspectives of rural residents are incorporated before new policies and programs are created. The Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis is mandated to strengthen Swedish competitiveness and to grow the Swedish economy through job creation and business growth. 

Understanding the Future of Rural Canada Webinar

What is the future of rural Canada? This was the focus of the State of Rural Canada webinar hosted by the Rural Policy Learning Commons on September 20, 2016. Drs. Al Lauzon and Ryan Gibson served as panellists on the webinar, both presenting research from the report. The webinar brought together over 70 participants from across Canada! 

Call for Applications: Faculty Position for the Latornell Professorship in Environmental Stewardship

The School of Environmental Design and Rural Development at the University of Guelph invites applications for the Latornell Professorship in Environmental Stewardship. The School is involved in Canadian and international planning and development with a focus on rural, remote, and Aboriginal communities and territories. We invite applicants who have an accredited planning degree (Bachelor or Master) and a doctoral degree in Environmental Planning, Natural Resources or a related discipline.

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