
CIP Feature Article of the Year for 2016 Bestowed to Wayne Caldwell and Bryce Sharpe

The Plan Canada Awards were introduced by the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) to recognize the best short and feature articles published in Plan Canada the preceding year. These articles are evaluated by the Plan Canada Awards committee and judged according to: the extent to which the article serves the needs and interests of Plan Canada readers; writing style and clarity; good journalism (including insight, imagination, depth of reporting and analysis); and demonstrated leadership and innovation.

Harry Cummings Named 2016-2018 CES President

Congratulations to Professor Harry Cummings on becoming the new president of the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) for 2016-2018 by the CES Board of Directors.

Dr. Karen Landman Recipient of 2016 YMCA-YWCA Guelph Women of Distinction Award

Congratulations to Professor Karen Landman who is the recipient of the 2016 YMCA-YWCA of Guelph Women of Distinction Award in the category of Education and Training. Dr. Landman is a Professor in Landscape Architecture at the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of Guelph.

Photo of Dr. Karen Landman, head shot
Dr. Karen Landman.  Photo courtesy of YMCA-YWCA

PhD Candidate Publishes New Book for Equestrian Riders and Coaches

Heather Sansom, a PhD in Rural Studies candidate in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, has recently published a new book for equestrian rider fitness and conditioning. The book is being launched by Trafalgar Square Publishing (Vermont) entitled: "Fit to Ride in 9 Weeks — The Ultimate Exercise Plan: Achieve Straightness, Suppleness, & Stamina in the Saddle—and Stay That Way".  Heather Sansom has been involved in fitness and competitive sport for over 25 years, and in equestrianism for over 35 years.

Prof. Cecelia Paine Receives the OALA “Pinnacle Award for Landscape Architectural Excellence”

The Ontario Association of Landscape Architects “Pinnacle Award for Landscape Architectural Excellence” was presented to Professor Cecelia Paine on April 1, 2016 at the OALA AGM and Conference at the Scotiabank Convention Centre in Niagara Falls, Ontario.  This prestigious award recognizes an OALA member for their professional work.  It singles out specific projects to draw attention to a body of work which demonstrates outstanding professional accomplishment.

April is World Landscape Architecture Month

April is World Landscape Architecture Month (WLAM).  Canadian landscape architects join their colleagues internationally to celebrate the profession.  One way to celebrate is showcasing landscape architect-designed spaces around the world through social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc.) by taking photos with the “Designed by a Landscape Architect” card and adding the hashtag #WLAM2016.

You can submit your WLAM photos to:

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