United Way Ambassadors

United Way Ambassadors are an integral part of the overall campaign across campus, operating as representatives of United Way from within their departments. They help raise awareness and spirit by facilitating events and activities that promote participation, engagement, and contributing toward the campaign among their peers.

Check if your department is represented by viewing the list of current volunteer Ambassdors below. Interested in representing your department yourself? Email the Campaign Manager, Grace Manarang, at uwcm@uoguelph.ca to learn more about this fun, flexible, and incredibly meaningful volunteer opportunity!


Current United Way Ambassadors:

Ambassadors Department
Catherine Carstairs History
Olga Petrik School of English and Theatre Studies
Alison Duncan Human Health and Nutritional Sciences
Amy Tucker Human Health and Nutritional Sciences
Ashliegh Sayer Psychology
Melanie Kalischuk Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics
Paria Ezzati Food Science
Rich Moccia Animal Biosciences
Kim Best Biomedical Sciences
Melinda Scott Audit Services
Emily Mininger Communications and Public Affairs (CPA)
Dani Kuepfer Student Wellness
Valerie Trew Child Care & Learning Centre
Jennifer Cowie Experiential Learning Hub
Janet Doner Experiential Learning Hub
Sarah Goody Experiential Learning Hub
Tyler Clark Experiential Learning Hub
Jill Lewis Hospitality Services
June Baldwin Student Experience
Hayley Nash University Centre Programming & Events
Joshua Houle University Centre Programming & Events
Martha Manning Research Services
Nadine Miller Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety
Sofija Jelacic Laboratory Services
Helen Oliver Laboratory Services
Justine Richardson Arboretum
Barb Ash Arboretum
Paige Westerman Alumni Affairs and Development
Heidi Muller Alumni Affairs and Development
Julie Hutchins Uof GRetirees
Dimitra Stefopoulou Centre for International Programs
Vannessa Sarvis McLaughlin Library
Kris McNaughton Ridgetown
Janet Nauta Ridgetown
Michelle Soucie The Office of the Vice-Provost (Student Affairs).
Vanessa Joy Philosophy
Stefani Atilola Provost and Vice-President(Academic)
Alex Letona Computing & Communications Services
Jyll Weinberg Martin Computing & Communications Services
Sonya Blake Human Resources