In this issue:
Getting the most out of your diagnostic laboratory submissions
New AHL tests developed in 2019
Selected zoonotic pathogens and diseases, 2019
Increased detection of BRSV associated with respiratory disease in cattle
Mycotic tonsillitis and cervical lymphadenitis in finisher pigs
Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus update
First confirmed case of porcine sapelovirus polioencephalomyelitis in Ontario
Avian reovirus variants and lameness in broilers
Spontaneous squamous cell carcinoma in the cloacal scent gland from a Mexican Black Kingsnake
Diagnosing neurologic disease in backyard chickens
Stanger things: those weird bacterial names you may see on your laboratory report
Dermatophilus congolensis infection in a horse: Don't forget the crust!!
AGCO 2019 Death Registry/Equine Incidences in Ontario Racing program