Highly Qualified Personnel scholars explore food security and circular economy in Guelph
A group of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) scholars joined Arrell Food Institute scholars from various academic disciplines for a field trip to learn about food security organizations and circular economy initiatives in the City of Guelph.
The trip is part one of the unique experiential training and education opportunities through which U of G is filling the needs of the agri-food workforce and equipping its graduates to enter a dynamic industry.
Read the full article on the Food from Thought website: HQP and AFI Scholars Explore Food Security and Circular Economy in Guelph
The HQP scholarship program is jointly funded by Food from Thought and the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance. It supports the development of highly skilled graduates to become future researchers, policymakers, business leaders and innovators who can meet the changing demands of the agri-food industry.