Showcasing the success of Partnership programs and research

Large animal veterinarian and OVC grad proud to be serving Northwestern Ontario farming community
A career in large animal medicine is more rewarding than some may realize, says Dr. Marialisa Laurella from Nor-West Animal Clinic, located in Fort Frances, Ont.
Laurella is a graduate of the University of Guelph's doctor of veterinary medicine program who completed an externship supported through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance's Veterinary Capacity Program at the clinic more than a decade ago.
Student veterinarians get hands-on training thanks to Veterinary Capacity Program funding
Hear from a veterinarian who chose the rural community practice (mixed) stream for her 2021 externship, allowing her to work with both small and large animals.
The Veterinary Capacity Program provides annual funding to OVC to help prepare veterinary graduates with an emphasis on animal agriculture, emergency preparedness, food security and animal-related public health.

#BehindtheNumbers: VCP program builds rural and agricultural veterinary capacity in Ontario
The Alliance provides funding to the University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College through the Veterinary Capacity Program (VCP). The VCP ensures an ongoing supply of rural and agricultural veterinarians who can support farming communities and monitor the health of animals in the food chain, as well as veterinarians with the skills and expertise to serve on the front line of disease surveillance.

Veterinary students blog their externship experiences
Go behind the scenes with veterinary students who completed placements last fall. The externship is a component of the Veterinary Capacity Program, which is supported by the Alliance and places students in a veterinary practice that works with food animals, as well as companion animals and/or horses.

From veterinarian to researcher: Taika von Königslöw works to improve best practices for antibiotic treatment in calves
Could the use of selective antibiotic treatment strategies at veal operations decrease the opportunity for bacteria to develop antimicrobial resistance?
Taika von Königslöw, a doctor of veterinary science candidate in the Department of Population Medicine, is looking at prudent use of antibiotics for calves upon arrival at veal operations.