Alliance provides foundation for U of G research and technological innovation
Blockchain—or any advanced analysis in the food system—first requires that a critical mass of food and production approaches be in place.
The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance provides a foundation for agri-food research and innovation that is unmatched elsewhere in the country.
“Whether they recognize it or not, researchers at Guelph who are supported through the Alliance or other funding programs are creating data that will be populating our blockchain ledgers,” says Malcolm Campbell, vice-president (research) at U of G.
“There is an increasing desire for consumers and retailers to understand how their food has been handled from one step to the next along the value chain,” he says. “Blockchain is a tool to give participants confidence in the system and give consumers faith that their food is of the highest quality.”
Read the full story on the Office of Resaerch website: Data Science: Blockchain’s role in improving food system safety and accountability