Two U of G research teams pursue agri-food solutions in sustainable growing challenge
The teams are in phase two of the Homegrown Innvoation Challenge, which has granted each team up to $1 million to create small-scale, proof-of-concept solutions that make growing food more environmentally and economically sustainable.
Dr. Youbin Zheng, researcher in the School of Environmental Sciences, is part of the AI Farming group, collaborating with industry partners and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Retired professor Dr. Mike Dixon is part of a team using vertical farming methods inside advanced greenhouses that maximize available sunlight and extend the growing season through customized LED lighting.
The teams are two of 11 grantees from across the country who are participating in the Weston Family Foundation’s Homegrown Innovation Challenge.
Read the article in Farmtario: State-of-the-art solutions for sustainable food systems