NSERC Discovery grants awarded to Alliance-funded researchers as part of $7.8 in federal support

Posted on Wednesday, June 19th, 2024

Agriculture and veterinary medicine are two topics of study for U of G researchers who received NSERC Discovery awards.

These investments are part of an $693.8-million investment announced on June 14 by Yasir Naqvi, parliamentary secretary to the minister of health and Ryan Turnbull, parliamentary secretary to the deputy prime minister and minister of finance and parliamentary secretary to the minister of innovation, science and industry on behalf of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, minister of innovation, science, and industry.

Read the full announcement here:U of G Researchers Receive More Than $ 7.8M in Federal Support

Newly supported projects include the following:  

A headshot of Dr. Emma Borkowski

Dr. Emma Borkowski

Department of Pathobiology 
Ontario Veterinary College

Borkowski’s research focuses on understanding livestock immune responses to parasites. With this funding, she and her team will study how sheep defend against a common gastrointestinal parasite that has become resistant to traditional treatments. The research may lead to novel ways of dealing with the parasites through genetic selection and new vaccines. Borkowski will also receive a Discovery Launch Supplement.

A headshot of Dr. Alexandra Harlander

Dr. Alexandra Harlander 

Department of Animal Biosciences 
Ontario Agricultural College
Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare

Harlander and her research team will investigate novel ways to reduce feather pecking, a behavior that can lead to injury, death and reduced egg production among laying hens/birds kept for egg laying. They will study how the hens’ response to stress is improved by adding soil enriched with Lactobacillus, a bacterium that plays a key role in gut health, to the their foraging material. The team’s ultimate goal is to enhance the health and welfare of the millions of laying hens in Canada.

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