U of G rural research explores the impact of COVID-19 pandemic

Posted on Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

Amanda Mongeon, PhD candidate in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development (SEDRD), has co-authored a report with Dr. Leith Deacon, of SEDRD and Dr. Kate Mulligan, of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.

A two-year qualitative study in rural Northern Ontario explored the experiences of seven municipalities with populations of 10,000 or fewer. Researchers surveyed documents, council meeting agendas and minutes, conducted interviews with municipal staff, elected leaders and local public health representatives.

The study’s findings underscore challenges common to many rural communities such as unequal investment in emergency preparedness, proximity to natural environments and colonial histories. And emergencies are not limited to health or viruses, but include economics, extreme weather and natural disasters.

Read the story on University of Guelph News: Rural-Proofing Emergency Management Post COVID-19: A Northern Ontario Case Study

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