News related to cover crops

Soil lysimeter with green grass sprouting on the top with a banner icon on the bottom that says Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Research 2020-21 Yearbook

Stable soil, high yields and sustainability

For decades, researchers carrying out long-term crop rotation trials have found that diversification improves yield stability. Now, a long-term study is under way at the Ontario Crops Research Centre – Elora using new technology to investigate the mechanisms at play in the soil that account for these improvements. The ultimate goal is to determine best practices for producers.

Student Matt Stewart standing in field looking out at it with a banner at the bottom of the photo that says Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Research 2020-21 Yearbook

A long-term look at cover crops

From mid-summer until the following spring, some Ontario fields lie fallow while others are covered with crops designed to rejuvenate the soil. University of Guelph researchers are investigating various combinations of cover crops to see which ones offer the best environmental and economic improvements. This long-term study is being conducted at the Ontario Crops Research Centre sites in both Elora and Ridgetown, coordinated by plant agriculture professors Dr. Manish Raizada and Dr. Dave Hooker, respectively.

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