
Dr. John Cline is testing new technology that reduces fruit tree thinning labour costs

In an article in The Grower, Cline provided an update on his trials aimed at de-risking a spray thinning compound developed by Valent BioSciences.

Cline collected data from the Ontario Crops Research Centre in Simcoe, which is owned by the Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario and managed by U of G through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, as well as commercial orchards in the Vineland area.

Large animal veterinarian and OVC grad proud to be serving Northwestern Ontario farming community

A career in large animal medicine is more rewarding than some may realize, says Dr. Marialisa Laurella from Nor-West Animal Clinic, located in Fort Frances, Ont.

Laurella is a graduate of the University of Guelph's doctor of veterinary medicine program who completed an externship supported through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance's Veterinary Capacity Program at the clinic more than a decade ago.

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