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College News

History: Stuart McCook on the Dark Side of Coffee

Desire for Cheap Coffee Still Dominates Global Industry - by Susan Bubak for at Guelph magazine
Do you know where your cup of coffee comes from? More importantly, do you care? If you’re like most coffee drinkers, the answer to both of those questions is probably “no,” says history professor Stuart McCook, who studies the environmental history of coffee.

History: Sophie Lachapelle's New Book Ponders the Supernatural

Just out this month from The Johns Hopkins University Press: From Spiritism and Occultism to Psychical Research and Metapsychics in France, 1853–1931 by Sophie Lachapelle. Séances were wildly popular in France between 1850 and 1930, when members of the general public and scholars alike turned to the wondrous as a means of understanding and explaining the world.

History: Jacqueline Murray on Leave For Change Program

Leave for Change Volunteer Impressed by Ghana - by Teresa Pitman for at Guelph
“The traffic in Accra makes the 401 look like an amateur rush hour,” says history professor Jacqueline Murray. “The taxi drivers are yelling and honking and driving onto the shoulder. One drove me into a vacant lot only to discover the egress was blocked by a bonfire, so he took a run at the ditch, and where we ended up was definitely not a road.”  (read the story...)

History: Jacqueline Murray named Director of First Year Seminars

The Department is delighted to congratulate Dr. Jacqueline Murray for her appointment as Director of First Year Seminars for a three year term. Dr. Murray recently received an Honourable Mention at the Central Student Association awards ceremony for "...her commitment to developing and offering unique and exceptional courses for students," so we know her innovative approaches to teaching will lead the FYS program in great directions.

History: Jacqui Cannata on Historical Photography in Rural Ontario

Tri-University History PhD student searches for rural photos taken 1870 to 1920   By Andrew Vowles for at Guelph Jacqui Cannata was about six when she started cutting off people’s heads. She got better with the camera. Especially useful were her photography courses at high school in Newmarket, Ont., where she also learned old-fashioned darkroom techniques.  (read more...)

History: Susannah Ferreira, Catherine Carstairs Awarded SSHRC Grants

This week the History Department congratulates Drs. Susannah Ferreira and Catherine Carstairs on winning Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Standard Research Grants. Dr. Ferreira's research project is entitled, "New Christians in Portugal and the Process of Cultural Assimilation: 1497-1536"; Dr. Carstairs' project: "Communist Conspiracy, Rat Poison or Dental Miracle?: Water Fluoridation in the US and Canada."

Congratulations to College of Arts Colleagues

Ajay Heble      SETS: at a recent awards ceremony, the Student Senate Caucus awarded Professor Ajay Heble its award for Contributions to Teaching. His nominator states: "He has experimented with many really cool ways of engaging students actively in the learning process and is a testament to what a prof can do when [he is] passionate about teaching."

MFA in Creative Writing - Short-lists Announcement

Creative Writing core faculty member Dionne Brand is short-listed for the prestigious Griffin Award for Poetry for her newest collection, Ossuaries (M&S).  Brand is nominated in the Canadian category.  There is also a prize for an international poetry collection.  The shortlists were announced today.

Ossuaries has also been shortlisted for the 2011 Pat Lowther Award for best book of poetry by a Canadian.