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History: Whose Game is it Anyway? - Prof. Alan McDougall

A journalist asked me recently ‘what were you doing when the Berlin Wall fell?’ I was fourteen years old in 1989; I wasn’t thinking about the collapse of communism, but about scoring goals in my next football match. Football, not politics, was the centre of my world. And I wasn’t the only one. Andy Meyer, a teammate of the future German goalkeeper Robert Enke, recalled how their team in the East German town of Jena barely noticed the momentous events of 1989 and 1990. ‘There was nothing crucial about it for us kids. The football training just went on.’ Football can be appropriated by mighty organisations. It can also resist them. The journalist’s question got me thinking again about the title of my new book on East German football, The People’s Game.

read the rest of Alan McDougall's post at the Cambridge University Press blog


Whose Game is it Anyway? - Prof. Alan McDougall

A journalist asked me recently ‘what were you doing when the Berlin Wall fell?’ I was fourteen years old in 1989; I wasn’t thinking about the collapse of communism, but about scoring goals in my next football match. Football, not politics, was the centre of my world. And I wasn’t the only one. Andy Meyer, a teammate of the future German goalkeeper Robert Enke, recalled how their team in the East German town of Jena barely noticed the momentous events of 1989 and 1990. ‘There was nothing crucial about it for us kids. The football training just went on.’ Football can be appropriated by mighty organisations. It can also resist them. The journalist’s question got me thinking again about the title of my new book on East German football, The People’s Game.

read the rest of Alan McDougall's post at the Cambridge University Press blog


History: Marc-André Gagnon on St.-Jean-Baptiste Day in Ontario


History doctoral student, Marc-André Gagnon, was interviewed on Radio-Canada over the weekend about his research on St-Jean-Baptiste Day (June 24), which celebrates the patron saint of French-Canada. The interview is about how it has been celebrated in Ontario. In Quebec, the day is currently known as la Fête Nationale. Listen to the interview.


Marc-André Gagnon on St.-Jean-Baptiste Day in Ontario


History doctoral student, Marc-André Gagnon, was interviewed on Radio-Canada over the weekend about his research on St-Jean-Baptiste Day (June 24), which celebrates the patron saint of French-Canada. The interview is about how it has been celebrated in Ontario. In Quebec, the day is currently known as la Fête Nationale. Listen to the interview.


History: Alan McDougall on Soccer Culture in Communist-Era East Germany

FIFA footballWhen the Berlin Wall fell in November 1989, Alan McDougall was thinking about what was often on his 14-year-old mind: soccer. The end of the Cold War registered only as a backdrop to the coming weekend’s contest on the pitch in southern England. “I do remember playing football that weekend, and somehow having an association of my regular life going on while these events were occurring that were world-changing,” says McDougall, now a U of G history professor. 
read the rest of the story @Guelph


Alan McDougall on Soccer Culture in Communist-Era East Germany

FIFA footballWhen the Berlin Wall fell in November 1989, Alan McDougall was thinking about what was often on his 14-year-old mind: soccer. The end of the Cold War registered only as a backdrop to the coming weekend’s contest on the pitch in southern England. “I do remember playing football that weekend, and somehow having an association of my regular life going on while these events were occurring that were world-changing,” says McDougall, now a U of G history professor. 
read the rest of the story @Guelph


5 UoG Grads Shortlisted

rbc graphicOf the 15 artists shortlisted on June 14, 2014 for the $25,000 RBC Canadian Painting Competition, five are graduates of the University of Guelph's Studio Art program. They are

Ashleigh Bartlett (MFA, 2011)
Jennifer Carvalho (MFA, 2013)
Tiziana La Melia (MFA, 2011)
Wallis Cheung (BA, 2008)
James Gardner (BA, 2008)

History: Kevin James' New Book is Here!

Tourism Land and Landscape book coverProf. Kevin James has just published a new book: Tourism, Land and Landscape in Ireland: The Commodification of Culture with Routledge. The study explores a broad range of evocative Irish travel writing from 1850 to 1914, much of it highly entertaining and heavily laced with irony and humour, to draw out interplays between tourism, travel literature and commodifications of culture. The book focuses on the importance of informal tourist economies, illicit dimensions of tourism, national landscapes, ‘legend’ and invented tradition in modern tourism.
Congratulations from all of us!