
DH@Guelph Summer Workshops 2024 keynote lecture
Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller
Associate Professor,
POLIS: The Centre for Social Policy and Research,
College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University
Ontologies and Data-Specific Challenges of FAIR and CARE:
from Wagnerian Opera to Indigenous Australia
Abstract: The Digital Humanities is (or are) inherently diverse and a home to many different digital tools and computational methodologies. This paper is a journey of critical evaluation and practical implementation of one of them: Linked Data. The aim is to illustrate and explain the affordances and the challenges of this technology, particularly as it applies to the Digital Humanities. It is an opportunity to reflect on the lessons learnt in the context of several different Digital Humanities projects, ranging from ancient texts to 19th century opera, and to examine the ways these can help us tackle the current challenge of thoughtfully identifying Indigenous data in institutional metadata.
Date: Tuesday, May 14th at 5:15pm
Location: MCKN 113 (Arts Auditorium, enter from Winegard Walk, across from the Library)