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Philosophy News

Congratulations to Yussif Yakubu!

Congratulations to Yussif Yakubu, who has won a Guelph Study and Development Fellowship for Sessional Lecturers for Winter 2023!

Kyle Novak receives a postdoc--congrats!

Congratulations to Kyle Novak, who has recently been awarded a one-year Postdoctoral Fellowship from the interdisciplinary SSHRC-funded research group, Gilles Deleuze and Cosmology, based out of Laurentian University. This is well-deserved, Kyle!

For more information about the Gilles Deleuze and Cosmology project, please see:

Congratulations to Carson Johston!

Congratulations to our very own Carson Johnston, whose paper “A Conversion to Flourishing-Based Egoism: Discovering Morality’s Prudential Rationality Through a Life Valuing Ethic” was selected for the top honor, The SUNY Oneonta Conference Committee Award for Excellence in Philosophy, at the 26th Annual SUNY Oneonta Undergraduate Philosophy Conference held April 1-2, 2022!

Well-deserved, Carson!