Our People

Meet the faculty in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences' five academic units: Department of Chemistry, School of Computer Science, School of Engineering, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and Department of Physics.

Headshot of Joseph Sawata


School of Computer Science

Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 53277

Email: jsawada@uoguelph.ca

Office: REYN 2226

Keywords: Combinatorial Algorithms, De Bruijn Sequences, Universal Cycles, Gray Codes, Graph Theory

Headshot of Marcel Schlaf

Professor, Ph.D. (Toronto), Diplom-Chemiker (Würzburg)

Department of Chemistry

Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 53002

Email: mschlaf@uoguelph.ca

Office: MACN 339

Keywords: Homo- and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Green Chemistry, Sugar Chemistry, Hydrodeoxygenation, (Petro-) Chemicals from Renewable Carbon Sources.

Adrian Schwan


Department of Chemistry

Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 58781

Email: schwan@uoguelph.ca

Office: MACN 336

Keywords: Organic Synthesis, Organosulfur Chemistry, Lipid Chemistry, Pericyclic Reactions, Computational Chemistry

Headshot of Stacey Scott


School of Computer Science

Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 54153

Email: stacey.scott@uoguelph.ca

Office: Reynolds 3308

Keywords: Human-computer interaction, Emerging technology design, User-centred design, Computer-supported collaboration, Human-automation collaboration, User studies, Interdisciplinary sociotechnical system design, Precision livestock farming, Animal-computer interaction

Headshot of Hari Simha

Associate Professor

School of Engineering

Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 58262

Email: csimha@uoguelph.ca

Office: THRN 3502

Keywords: Mechanical Engineering, Soft Robotics, Armor and Blast, Advanced Materials, Ductile Failure, Defense, Automobile, Nuclear, Pipeline, Alloys

Associate Professor

School of Engineering

Keywords: Biological engineering, Biomedical engineering

Headshot of Dr. Justin Slater

Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Email: jslate04@uoguelph.ca

Office: MACN 521

Keywords: Statistics, Data Science, Epidemiology, Spatio-temporal modelling, Infectious disease statistics, Bayesian statistics

Photo of William Smith

University Professor Emeritus, Mathematics

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Phone: 519-824-4120 x53119

Email: bilsmith@uoguelph.ca

Office: MacNaughton 433c

Headshot of Dmitriy Soldatov

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry

Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 53548

Email: soldatov@uoguelph.ca

Office: MACN 338

Keywords: Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Supramolecular materials, Crystals, Polymers, Non-crystalline materials

Headshot of Fei Song

Associate Professor

School of Computer Science

Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 58067

Email: fsong@uoguelph.ca

Office: REYN 2225

Keywords: Topic modeling, Information retrieval, Text classification, Sentiment analysis, Key Phrase extraction, Text summarization, Document clustering, People search, Text Segmentation, Machine learning applications

Headshot of Petros Spachos

Associate Professor

School of Engineering

Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 54012

Email: petros@uoguelph.ca

Office: THRN 2505

Keywords: Engineering systems and computing, Computer Engineering, AI Affiliated Faculty, Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Protocols, Network Programming, Network Security, Multi-hop Routing Protocols, Cognitive Radio, Opportunistic Networks

Headshot of Deb Stacey

Associate Professor Emerita

School of Computer Science

Email: dastacey@uoguelph.ca

Office: REYN 3301

Keywords: Ontologies, Knowledge engineering, Machine intelligence, Artificial neural networks, Big Data Analysis, Smart animal health, Animal disease spread models

Carl Svensson

Professor, Research Chair in Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Rare Isotope Physics

Department of Physics

Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 54573

Email: sven@uoguelph.ca

Office: MACN 221

Keywords: Subatomic Physics, Nuclear Physics, Fundamental Interactions, Nuclear Astrophysics, Radioactive Ion Beams, Nuclei Far from Stability, Evolution of Nuclear Shell Structure, Gamma-ray Spectroscopy, High-purity Germanium Crystals, Multi-detector Arrays

Assistant Professor

School of Computer Science

Email: sykes@uoguelph.ca

Office: Reynolds Building, RM: 2209

Keywords: ai, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Generative AI, AI and Health

Headshot of William Tam


Department of Chemistry

Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 52268

Email: wtam@uoguelph.ca

Office: MACN 332

Keywords: Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Chemical Reactions, Asymmetric Catalysis, Organic Synthesis