Proven R&D professional with experience in overseeing, designing and implementing innovative radiology and pathology image analysis solutions. Highlights include the R&D of an automated MRI analysis algorithm for neurological disease (stroke) evaluation, and an automatic pathology analysis suite for breast cancer diagnosis/prognosis. Offer proficiency in product and research management including ability to liaise between engineering and clinical teams as well as academia/government and industry for commercialization of research.
Extensive portfolio of speaking engagements, publications and university-level teaching demonstrate ability to impact and effect progressive change. Recipient of numerous awards and recognitions including the Governor General's Gold Medal and NSERC-CGSD3 (highest awards possible on University- and Federal-level, respectively). Regarded as innovator, thought leader and skilled advocate (illustrated through speaking engagements, publications, white papers and invited articles). Licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario, Certified Scrum Master and IEEE Senior Member.
- Ph.D., University of Toronto, Electrical Engineering [Medical Image Processing], 2006 – 2012
- M.A.Sc., Ryerson University, Electrical Engineering, [Medical Image Processing], 2004 – 2006
- B.Eng., Ryerson University, Electrical Engineering, [Medical Image Processing], 1999 – 2004
- Graduate Student Endowment Fund (GSEF) Scholarship, University of Toronto (11)
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science/Tech (OGSST) - Ph.D. Funding, University of Toronto (09-10)
- Walter C. Sumner Memorial Fellowship, University of Toronto (09)
- Google Canada - Anita Borg Scholar (09)
- IEEE Canada Women in Engineering Award (09)
- IEEE Toronto Section Outstanding New Leader Award (08)
- Loreal-UNESCO Canada Mentor Fellowships for Women in Science (08)
- Selected Student - IEEE Biomedical Imaging School (08)
- Google Canada - Anita Borg Scholar/Finalist (08)
- NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship (NSERC-CGSD3) (06-9)
- Governor General’s Gold Medal, Ryerson University (07)
- Best Teaching Assistant of the Year Award (05 AND 06)
- Dennis Mock Student Leadership Award (06)
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) - M.A.Sc. Funding (06)
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science/Tech (OGSST) - M.A.Sc. (05)
- David Platnick Memorial Award (04)
- Best Undergraduate Technical Paper - IEEE's ICUE 2004 (04)
- Aileen Clark Lambie Scholarship (03)
- Outstanding Achievement in the Third Year Award (03)
- Invited Member - International Golden Key Society (02)
- Dean's List (2001-04)
- Associate Editor in the area of "Image and Signal Processing; Algorithms and Computing" for IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CJECE), (15-pres)
- Special Guest Editor, Elsevier CMIG journal - "Breakthrough Technologies in Digital Pathology", (13-14)
- Technical Committee Member, MICCAI 2012, HIMA Workshop (12)
- GE Canada, Woman and Technology Steering Committee (12)
- IEEE Regional GOLD Coordinator, Region7 (10–12)
- IEEE Regional Student Representative, Region7 (07-09)
- IEEE GOLD Chair, Toronto Section (07–09)
- IEEE CCECE Registration Chair (07–8)
- IEEE GOLD Secretary, Toronto Section (06–7)
- Reviewer, IEEE, Springer, Elsevier (05–pres)
- IEEE ICME, Conference Task Manager (05–6)
- Graduate Student Host – University of Toronto (08)
- Events & Web Coordinator – Ryerson’s Signal Analysis Research Group (05–6)
- Webmaster – Ryerson's ELCGSA (05-06)
- Member – Ryerson’s Graduate Research Ethics Board (05-6)
- VP External – Ryerson's ELCGSA (05-06)
- Member – Ryerson’s Appeals Committee (05-6)
- Student MC – Ryerson’s ECE Award Ceremony (05)
- Lab Manager – Ryerson’s Signal Analysis Research Group (04-05)
Professional/Personal Development Courses
GE Healthcare | Pathology Innovation Centre of Excellence (PICOE), 11-13
- Project Management at GE
- Influencing Skills
- Research Management
- Change Acceleration Process (CAP)
- Lean Six Sigma Overview
- Presentation Skills at GE
University of Guelph, 14-pres
- Leadership Presence and Presentations (UofT, Continuing Education)