
Book Chapters

[3] A. Khademi, A. R. Moody, A. Venetsanopoulos, Accurate Pathology Segmentation in FLAIR MRI for Robust Shape Characterization, Advances of Shape Analysis in Medical Image Analysis, Springer, pp. 187-228, Jan. 2014.

[2] A. Khademi, A. Venetsanopoulos, A. R. Moody, S. Krishnan, Fundamental Methods in Image Processing, Multimedia Image and Video Processing, Second Edition, CRC Press, pp.29-76, Mar.2012.

[1] A. Khademi, S. Krishnan, A. Venetsanopoulos, Shift-Invariant Discrete Wavelet Transform for Medical Image Classification, Discrete Wavelet Transforms - Theory and Application, InTechOpen, pp.179-212, Mar.2011. LINK


[9] B. Reiche, A.R. Moody, A. Khademi, Robust Standardization Framwork for Brain Extraction in FLAIR MRI, Signal, Image and Video Processing Journal, submitted July 2015.

[8] A. Khademi, A. Venetsanopoulos, A. Moody. Generalized Method for Partial Volume Quantification in Cerebral MRI, Journal of Medical Imaging , 1(1), April 2014.

[7] A. Khademi. The Search for New Technologies to Improve Quality in Pathology, GE Healthcare Whitepaper, June 2013.

[6] A. Khademi. Image Analysis Solutions for Automatic Scoring and Grading of Digital Pathology Images, Canadian Journal of Pathology, 5(2), pp.51-55, June 2013.

[5] A. Khademi, A. Venetsanopoulos, A. Moody. Robust White Matter Lesion Segmentation in FLAIR MRI, IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering (TBME), 59(3), pp: 860-871, Mar. 2012.

[4] A. Khademi, A. Venetsanopoulos, A. Moody. Image Reconstruction for Noise Suppression in FLAIR MRI with White Matter Lesions, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL), 17(12), pp: 989-992, Dec.2010. LINK

[3] David A. Koff, P. Bak, P. Brownrigg, D. Hosseinzadeh, A. Khademi, A. Kiss, L. Lepanto, T. Michalak, H. Shulman, A. Volkening, Pan-Canadian Evaluation of Irreversible Compression Ratios (“Lossy” Compression) for Development of National Guidelines. Journal of Digital Imaging, 22(6), pp. 569-78, Dec. 2009. LINK

[2] J. Bonnel, A. Khademi, Sridhar Krishnan, Cornel Ioana. Small Bowel Image Classification using Cross-Cooccurrence Matrices on Wavelet Domain, Journal of Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, , 4(1), pp: 7-15, Jan.2009. LINK

[1] A. Khademi, S. Krishnan. Shift-Invariant Discrete Wavelet Transform Analysis for Retinal Image Classification, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (MBEC) Journal, 45 (12), pp: 1211-1222, 2007. LINK


[15] A. Khademi, A.R. Moody. Multiscale Partial Volume Estimation for Segmentation of White Matter Lesions Using FLAIR MRI" accepted for publication at IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2015.

[14] A. Khademi, D. Hosseinzadeh. Type II Fuzzy Systems for Amyloid Plaque Segmentation in Transgenic Mouse Brains for Alzheimer's Disease Quantification, SPIE Medical Imaging - Digital Pathology Conference, Feb. 2014.

[13] A.Khademi. Design and Development of Image Analysis Algorithms for Digital Pathology, The Digital Lab - Today and Tomorrow, The Institute for Quality Management in Healthcare, 2012. *CME credits awarded for this course

[12] A.Khademi. Image Analysis Algorithms for Breast Cancer Pathology, Banff Pathology Course with Special Focus on Breast Pathology, 2012. *CME credits awarded for this course

[11] A. Khademi, A. Venetsanopoulos, A. Moody. Edge-Based Partial Volume Averaging Estimation in FLAIR MRI with White Matter Lesions, IEEE Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC), Sept.2010, pp: 6114-17. (Paper Competition Finalist).

[10] A. Khademi, A. Venetsanopoulos, A. Moody. . Automatic Contrast Enhancement of White Matter Lesions in FLAIR MRI, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2009. LINK

[8] A.Khademi, D.Hosseinzadeh, A. Venetsanopoulos, A.Moody. Nonparametric Statistical Tests for Exploration of Correlation and Nonstationarity in Images, Digital Signal Processing Conference (DSP2009), 2009. LINK

[7] A. Khademi, F. Sahba, A. Venetsanopoulos, S. Krishnan. Region, Lesion and Border-based Multiresolution Texture Analysis of Mammogram Lesions, Int’l Conf on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), 2009. LINK

[6] A. Khademi, F.Sahba, A.Venetsanopoulos. Multiscale Edge Detection and Classification for Automatic Diagnosis of Mammographic Lesions, 8th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Computational Geometry and Artificial Vision (ISCGAV'08), Aug. 2008.

[5] A. Khademi, S. Krishnan. Medical Image Texture Analysis: A Case Study with Small Bowel, Retinal and Mammogram Images, IEEE CCECE2008, May 2008. LINK

[4] A. Khademi, S. Krishnan. Multiresolution Analysis and Classification of Small Bowel Medical Images, IEEE’s Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), pp:4524 - 4527, Aug. 2007. LINK

[3] D. Hosseinzadeh, S. Krishnan and A. Khademi, “Keystroke identification based on Gaussian Mixture Models.” in Proc. IEEE Int’l Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), volume 3, pages 1144-1147, May 2006. LINK

[2] A. Khademi, S. Krishnan. Comparison of JPEG 2000 to Other Lossless Compression Schemes for Digital Mammograms. In the proceedings of IEEE’s Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), Sept. 2005, pp. 3771 - 3774. LINK

[1] A. Khademi, D. Hosseinzadeh, S. Krishnan. Source and Channel Coding Techniques for the Faithful Transmission of Digital Mammograms. In the proceedings of IEEE’s International Conference of Upcoming Engineers (ICUE), 2004. Won "Best Undergraduate Technical Paper"

Other Scholarly Contributions

[5] D. Koff, et. al, Compressing Medical Images with Lossy JPEG and Lossy JPEG 2000: A Multicentric Multimodality Comparison Study, RSNA, October 2007 Collaborating Researcher

[4] D. Koff, et al. Lossy Compresion as a Standard of Practice: A Pan-Canadian Study to Evaluate Compression Ratios for use in National Guidelines –– Poster - Canadian Association Radiologists (CAR) conference – St.John’s, Newfoundland – June 29-30, 2007.Collaborating Researcher.

[3] D. Koff, et al. Lossy Compression as a Standard of Practice: A Pan-Canadian Study to Evaluate Compression Ratios for use in National Guidelines – SIIM, June 7-10, Providence, Rhode Island. Awarded 1st Prize. Collaborating Researcher.

[2] D. Koff, et al. Implementing a large-scale multicentric study for evaluation of lossy JPEG and JPEG 2000 medical image compression: challenges and rewards. Poster presentation. SPIE, San Diego, February 20-21, 2007. Collaborating Researcher.

[1] A. Khademi, D. Hosseinzadeh, S. Krishnan. Source and Channel Coding Techniques for the Faithful Transmission of Digital Mammograms. IEEE Canadian Review, Edition 48, pp. 8-12. Invited article.


[3] Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD), 2012, Medical Image Processing for the Objective Quantification of Pathology in Cerebral MRI.

[2] Master's of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.), 2006: Mutliresolution Analysis for Classification and Compression of Medical Images.

[1] Bachelor of Engineering, 2004: Wireless Telemedicine [for Digital Mammograms].