Invited Talks

[19] Image Analysis Solutions for the Automatic Analysis of Pathology Specimens, Institute for Comparative Cancer Investigation, 7th Annual Cancer Research Symposium, May 2014. Invited Speaker.

[18] BigData in Medicine: Unlocking the Personalized Medicine Paradigm, Bigdata Innovation Summit, Toronto, June 2013. Invited speaker.

[17] Breast Cancer Lunch and Learn, GE Women's Network, Mississauga, May 2012. Invited speaker.

[16] Image Analysis in Digital Pathology, GE’S Global Research Centre, New York, Mar. 2013. Invited speaker.

[15] Design and Development of Image Analysis Algorithms for Digital Pathology: Challenges and Approaches, IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD), Toronto, Oct. 12. Invited speaker.

[14] Pathology and Image Processing 101, GE Healthcare Global, telepresence, July 2012. Invited speaker.

[13] GE Educational Symposium: Innovation in Digital Pathology Algorithm Development, Canadian Association of Pathologists (CAP), GE’s Calgary Innovation Centre, July 2012. Invited speaker. LINK

[12] Stain Deconvolution and Classification of IHC Images, GE/Omnyx, Pittsburgh, May 2012. Invited speaker.

[11] A. Khademi. Contrast Enhancement of White Matter Lesions in FLAIR MRI. IEEE Canada Webinar. Nov.2009. Invited speaker.

[10]  A. Khademi. Automatic Contrast Enhancement of White Matter Lesions in FLAIR MRI. Sunnybrook Research Institute - Medical Image Analysis Laboratories, May2009. Invited speaker.

[9] A. Khademi. Automatic Contrast Enhancement of White Matter Lesions in FLAIR MRI. Department of Medical Imaging Research Day, University of Toronto. 2009. Presentation.

[8] Automatic Analysis of FLAIR-Weighted Neuro MRIs, Math/Statistics Dept., University. of Guelph. Mar.2010. Invited speaker.

[7] A. Khademi, S.Krishnan. Small Bowel Texture Analysis for Computer Aided Diagnosis, IEEE Biomedical Imaging Summer School, Jun.08. Presentation.

[6] A. Khademi. Texture Analysis for Computer Aided Diagnosis, Google New York, May2008, Invited speaker.

[5] A. Khademi. Computer-Assisted Neurosurgical Planning Techniques. 4th Annual Practical Course in Digital Imaging And Teleradiology. Mar, 2008. Invited speaker.

[4] A. Khademi. Biomedical Image Analysis Techniques for the Design of Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Content-Based Image Retrieval Applications. IEEE’s ICUE 2007. May 28, 2007. Plenary speaker.

[3] A. Khademi. CAD for Intestinal Imagery Acquired by Endoscopic Capsules. 3rd Annual Practical Course in Digital Imaging And Teleradiology. April 29, 2007. Invited speaker.

[2] A. Khademi. Emerging Trends in Neurosurgical Planning, IEEE Signal Processing Chapter Seminar, Mar.2007. Invited speaker.

[1] A. Khademi, D. Hosseinzadeh, S. Krishnan. Source and Channel Coding Techniques for the Faithful Transmission of Digital Mammograms. IEEE Canadian Review, Edition 48, pp. 8-12. Invited article.