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Dr. Brady Deaton was called to speak on his research about "Farmland Ownership and Food Security" in the Canadian Senate in Ottawa on February 19th, 2017! (He comes in at 9:12 am).

Dr. Brady Deaton speaks about farmland ownership and food security


on Tuesday, March 7, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the

Richards Building, Room 2520 - 101 Reynolds Walk, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON


The Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics is hosting the 14th Annual Graduate Research

Tomorrow’s Table: Organic Farming, Genetics and the Future of Food

Pamela Ronald

Distinguished Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and the Genome Center Director, Institute for Food and Agricultural Literacy, University of California, Davis.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

9:00 - 10:30 a.m.

Delta Hotel and Conference Centre (John McCrae Room)
50 Stone Road West, Guelph, Ontario

Interested members of the University Community are invited to attend the M.Sc. Thesis Defence and Final Examination of Regan Arntz-Gray which will be held on Monday, December 19th at 3:00 p.m. in Room 318, MacKinnon Building. 

Interested Members of the University Community are Invited to Attend the Final Oral Examination for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of:

Rebecca Elskamp of the Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics     Picture of Rebecca

on Tuesday, December 13th, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 101, J.D. MacLachlan Bldg.

After 10 years of working in the family business, Cassandra Loomans, B.Comm. ’07, is preparing to take the lead - 
Young alumna tackles family business succession

Three post-secondary students received Ontario Federation (OFA) of Agriculture’s 80th anniversary bursary on November 22nd, 2016, at the organization’s annual general meeting.

OFA announces 80th anniversary bursary winners (2016) |

The Department of FARE is hosting a Graduate Open House for prospective graduate students.  This event will provide an opportunity to learn about the MSC, MFARE and PHD graduate degrees offered in the department, as well as a chance to chat with faculty, current graduate students and alumni about their experiences.

At the International Plowing Match in Harrison, Ontario, FARE undergraduate student Antia Rastapkevicius (OAC '17) was crowned the 2016-2017 Ontario Queen of the Furrow. In her role as Ontario Queen of the Furrow, Anita will be responsible for promoting the 2017 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo, which is being held in Walton.