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The Department would like to congratulate Professor Alfons Weersink for being awarded the 2016 OAC Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award. This award recognizes the effectiveness of OAC faculty in contributing to the education of OAC students and for the faculty member's commitment to learning by OAC students. A member of the department since 1989, Alfons has proven himself an exceptional instructor and mentor. He has taught over 20 different courses to over 3500 aggies.

Lin Yang's Master of Science Defence took place on Friday, September 9th, 2016 at 2:30 pm, in Room 101, J.D. MacLachlan Building.  She presented her thesis on "An Economic Analysis of Potential Benefits of Livestock Traceability Systems for Trade Embargo Scenarios that are Linked to Animal Disease Outbreak Durations".

Advisory Committee -
Andreas Boecker (advisor)
Alfons Weersink (advisory cmt)
Alan Ker (advisory cmt)

Chathurika Dayananda's Master of Science Defence took place on Friday, September 9th, 2016 at 12 noon in Room 101, J.D. MacLachlan Building.  She presented her thesis on "Technical and Environmental Efficiencies of Ontario Dairy Farming Systems

Advisory Committee -
Alfons Weersink (advisor)
Getu Hailu (advisory cmt)
Claudia Wagner Riddle (advisory cmt)

Our own Brady Deaton and Bethany Lipka had an op-ed piece in Monday's on-line edition of the Globe and Mail. The piece addresses issues related to boil water advisories and First Nations. Their findings draw on Bethany's M.Sc. thesis, which she completed in FARE in 2015. You can find the op-ed article thought the following link:

Two students from the FARE department, Syer Tazim Haque and Qin Xu were both featured in a project detailing what a day in the life of an OAC grad student is like.

Michael von Massow discusses the topic of tipping in an interview with Susan McReynoldson on CBC's Ontario Morning show.

Listen to the podcast here -

Natalia Piedrahita's Master of Science defence took place on Friday, May 6th, 2016 at 2:30 pm in Room 107, J.D. MCLN Bldg.

The Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics is pleased to announce that Michael von Massow has joined our Department. Mike brings a depth of experience and expertise that adds capacity to FARE's ability to respond to important issues in the agri-food sector, including agri-food value chains, food waste, sustainability, and animal welfare. An alumnus of the Department (BSc(AGR) and MSc degrees in Agricultural Economics), Mike also has a Ph.D.