Requesting a PCard

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PCards will only be issued to permanent, full time employees who are authorized to purchase goods and services.


  • Complete the PCard Application Form
  • Obtain the appropriate approvals according to your departmental procedure
  • Submit the approved application to PCard Administrator at
  • The PCard will be ordered, upon receipt the cardholder will be requested to go to the Treasury dept in person to pick it up
  • Cardholders must read, sign and abide by the terms and conditions in the PCard Agreement form 

Activation and Registration

Prior to use, the PCard must be activated. Failure to activate the PCard prior to the first use will result in the card being declined.

To activate the PCard, call the phone number on the card and provide the requested information

To register the card go the  A username and password will be created, this information should be kept confidential. 

Change of Procurement Card Information

Cardholders or the departmental administrator must notify the PCard Administrator of any updates or modifications to names, addresses, transaction limits etc. using the PCard Change Request Form.