Equity Essentials- Call it out? Identifying and Responding to Microaggressions

Date and Time


Online - Link will be provided closer to the session


This session will explore how to engage critically in anti-oppression and provide frameworks for engaging in anti-oppressive practices at the University. Anti-oppression is an ongoing and active process of recognizing and addressing individual, institution, and systemic oppression. Applying an anti-oppressive frame to our work is essential to cultivating an inclusive campus where every individual experiences a sense of belonging. This session will identify the systems and attitudes that contribute to microaggressions and discuss strategies for responding effectively.

By the end of this workshop, you will:

  • Gain a broader awareness of how oppression affects the lived experience of equity-seeking groups, and the specific context of EDI on post-secondary campuses.
  • Understand how dominant groups perpetuate, actively or unconsciously, oppression.
  • Be able to apply key concepts related to anti-racism, oppression, privilege, and tokenism.
  • Understand how unconscious bias affects individuals and communities; and
  • Be able to identify microaggressions and apply appropriate and effective responses to microaggressions.


Education, Training and Policy Officer, Office of Diversity and Human Rights

Event Registration

Register through Qualtrics! Registration closes 2 working days prior to the session.


Phone: 56800

Email: landd@uoguelph.ca

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