Recruitment, Selection & Onboarding

The Talent Acquisition team has launched a Hiring Committee Portal on SharePoint!

The Hiring Committee Portal is designed to provide information and resources related to the University of Guelph’s hiring practices.

The content on the site is a work in progress and will be expanded over time to include more information for Hiring Managers/Chairs and Committee members leading and supporting academic and non-academic searches.

The site is maintained by the central Talent Acquisition team in collaboration with the Faculty & Academic Staff Relations office and initially features:

  • Instructional information about the hiring process including approval requirements and links to recommended learning.
  • A calendar of events including upcoming support sessions being offered by Talent Acquisition to support the transition to Gryphons at Work.
  • A secure place to save shared competition files such as candidate assessments /rubrics and interviewing plans.

To get to the site follow this link: Hiring Committee Portal

Please direct any questions, concerns or feedback about the hiring committee portal to