Leader as Coach (Session 2 of 2)

Date and Time


Online - Link will be provided by calendar invite closer to the session


For Senior Leaders, Chairs, Directors, and People Managers

Great leaders are decisive and provide direction but we also know that high performance teams are led with leaders who wear a coach hat. A coach creates an environment of psychological safety, they know how to connect with their employees to bring out their best, they communicate in ways that ensure trust and invite innovation. Leaders who possess coaching skills directly impact current and future employee performance. Leaders who coach promote a highly engaged work environment, with enhanced performance, and improved productivity. They actively give team members needed feedback on their performance and development and create a learning culture.

This program is delivered over 2 half day virtual learning sessions. While this program sounds tailored to leaders who have direct reports it also welcomes those in roles where they influence and welcome deepening their ability to build trust and inspire people to be their best selves.

Learning objectives:

  • Understanding coaching and its value and importance to an organization
  • Learn the difference between coaching and counseling and mentoring and consulting
  • Be introduced to the critical behaviours of successful leaders as coach: what to do and not do
  • Learn and practice the art of asking question that inspire and build trust and insight
  • Practice the art of storytelling and the use of metaphors to assist with supporting learning and growth
  • Understand and practice the level of listening at 3 levels
  • Collaborate and guide team members in setting goals and identifying development opportunities
  • Practice applying the skills they learn to a variety of coaching situations
  • Convey and express support and minimize defensiveness
  • Introduced to a coaching model to assist with framing and supporting coaching conversations

Please note you are automatically registered in sessions 1 and 2 when you register for part 1. Session dates are September 30 and October 21, 9 am - 12 pm


Jackie Lauer, Jackie Lauer Consulting

Event Registration

Register for Part 1

Registration closes 2 working days prior to the session.


Phone: 56800
Email: landd@uoguelph.ca

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