Personal Leadership at Work

Date and Time


In-person (U of G, Guelph campus), details will be provided closer to the session


Personal Leadership at Work will be held on Oct 2nd, Oct 16th, Oct 30th, Nov 13th and a follow up session on Dec 18th, 2024 from 9 am - 12 pm.

Employee Essentials - Personal Management

Principles, Attitudes and Practices for Success

Watch a video testimonial from former Personal Leadership at Work participants.

Leadership is not a position or title. It is an outlook, a way of looking at the world and ourselves in it. Personal leadership is about taking leadership of our selves – of our experiences, our habits and behaviours, our emotional reactions, and our interactions with others in our personal and professional lives. Over the course of this program, you will deepen your understanding of your personal leadership, build your social and emotional skills to enhance your relationships, and discover your personal path to success in the workplace.

This program consists of two days (four 1/2-day sessions) and a follow-up session, completing an online emotional intelligence self-assessment and a confidential debrief session, completing brief readings and/or exercises in between sessions, and connecting with a peer-learning partner in between sessions to reflect upon and transfer your learning.

Program Focus:

  • Create a personal vision of your personal leadership
  • Understand your internal experience when you experience distress in your relationships
  • Learn how to respond in times of stress, rather than reacting emotionally or habitually
  • Identify your assumptions and how they may hold you back from more fulfilling relationships
  • Build your capacity for “self-differentiation” to enable you to work through conflict effectively
  • Understand the impact of your behaviour and actions on self and others
  • Identify opportunities for self-care as a way to build your emotional intelligence and resilience
  • Practice empathy and understand how it is different from pity or sympathy


There is a fee of $200 to participate in this program to cover the online self-assessment.

Cancellation Policy

Due to the costs associated with delivering this program, we ask that you cancel at least 2 weeks prior to the first session. Failure to do so may result in a cancellation penalty of $200 that will be charged to your department.


Oliver Martin, Senior Consultant, Linda Watt, Director, Learning & Development, University of Guelph

Event Registration

Register through Qualtrics! Registration closes 2 working days prior to the session.
You will be prompted to enter your department’s 26 digit coding when you register.


Phone: 56800

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