Working Better Together with Authentic Collaboration

Date and Time


In-person, U of G Guelph campus, location to be shared to registrants closer to the date.


This two-part, experiential workshop catalyzes a new conversation about the art and skill of collaborative leadership. Participants will explore the challenges and strengths of campus collaboration and discover the possibility of collaborating with greater ease, effectiveness, and meaningful connection. Note that this workshop is based on Elizabeth’s book entitled. “Authentic Collaboration: A Bridge to Meaningful Connection”.

Learning Objectives

Part 1

  • To assess how participants are currently engaging in collaboration at U of G, while defining a desired approach
  • To introduce a new collaboration paradigm and explore strengths and challenges
  • To examine collaboration concepts such as authenticity, mutual respect, co-creating, conflict repair, trust and power sharing

Part 2 

  • To deepen shared understanding of the RELATE principles that underpins collaborative leadership
  • To move these principles into action with real-life practice exercises
  • To develop a personal action plan that reflects an evolved way of collaborating and leading

This is a 2-part program held in-person on October 3rd, 2024 (Part 1) and January 23, 2025 (Part 2) from 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm with a virtual check-in December 5th, 2024 from 12 - 1 pm.


Elizabeth Soltis, Founder of Bridges Global


Register through Qualtrics!



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