Putting Your Strengths to Work
Date and Time
Virtual, link to be shared with registrants closer to the date.
If you want to thrive at work, look to leverage your strengths! Research from the field of positive psychology has been looking at what works instead of what doesn't and they are discovering the benefits of strengths identification and development. What has become more and more clear is that the use of strengths is connected to greater work satisfaction, engagement, well-being and overall productivity. So, here is your opportunity to discover your strengths and how to put them to work!
Olja Zubic, Learning & Development Consultant will facilitate this session. Leveraging the VIA Character Strengths Survey you will complete ahead of time, in this session you will discover:
- Your top strengths and a definition of each so you understand what they mean
- How your strengths can be overdone and what to keep in mind so you use them wisely
- How you can think about your strengths in creative ways to maximize their impact
- Effective approaches to engaging your manager’s support in leveraging your strengths and setting objectives
Olja Zubic, Consultant, Learning & Development and Consulting Services, HR, University of Guelph
Registration is closed. Registration closes February 27, 2025
Phone: 56800
Email: landd@uoguelph.ca