Biosafety Program and Forms

Components of the Program Include:


List of Biosafety Definitions

Standard Operating Procedures:

Safety Videos:

The videos below serve as a part of required Annual Emergency response trainings:

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How to apply for new Biohazard Permit
  2. Understanding the Biohazard permit process
  3. How to write a Lab-Specific Biosafety Manual 
  4. How to do training needs assessment
  5. How to register and access Biosafety Training
  6. How to register and access Biosafety Refresher Training
  7. How to renew your RG2 permit through a Change request BSC -8 form
  8. How to renew Storage and/or Risk group 1 permit
  9. How to add/delete biohazards from existing biosafety permit
  10. How to add/delete personnel from existing biosafety permit
  11. How to remove gloves safely
    • Handwashing is strongly recommended in CL2 lab after pulling off gloves
  12. What are the contents of the Biological Spill Kit?
  13. How to transport biohazard onsite (not involving public roads)
  14. How to dispose of Biohazard waste
  15. What are housekeeping practices in containment lab?
  16. How will my CL2 lab be inspected


Biosafety Cabinet Reminder checklist

Biohazard Application Submission checklist

Biohazard Forms

Listed below are forms pertaining to the Biohazard Program in alphabetical order, please click on the applicable form required. Please refer to the Transfers and Imports section for forms related to transfers, imports and exports.

For best performance, we recommend forms be completed and viewed using Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat Professional.  Completion of viewing with other pdf viewers/editors may not work or appear to change to the content.  Upon completion of the form, "printing to pdf" may limit the available information to only what is visible on the screen. Adobe Reader is available for download free of charge.

Level 2 Permit Application

Supplementary Forms

Level 1 Permit Application

Storage Application

Regulatory Forms (save form and then open saved form in pdf)

Transfers, Purchases, Imports and Exports

In accordance to the Human Pathogens and Toxins act (HPTA), biohazardous materials imported/exported, purchased and/or transferred from or to the University of Guelph need to be tracked. The movement of the biohazards may also require documents to be included with the shipment. Therefore, follow the establish procedures to notify the Biosafety Officer prior sending and receiving biohazards.  All inquiries and/or completed forms should be forwarded to the Biosafety Officer (BSO) via email at

To process purchases, import/export approvals and/or transfer applications, Principal Investigators (PI’s) must hold a valid University of Guelph Biohazard Permit. It is the PI’s responsibility to ensure compliant movement of biohazards to prevent consequences such as loss of their items and/or regulatory penalties.

For more information on biohazard transfer, import/export and/ or purchases refer to the Quick Reference Guide. All pertinent forms are referred to in this guide and included below:

Dual-Use Research of Concern (DURC)

Within life sciences research, dual use potential refers to the potential for research to either be used for legitimate scientific purposes or intentionally misused. As such it is important to appropriately identify projects that may have this potential for dual use. The following information provides further description of dual use research of concern and its identification:

Additional Resources 

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) posters

Regulatory Links 


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