Animals on Campus Protocol

Animals On Campus Protocol


This Protocol identifies the conditions under which Animals are permitted to be brought onto University grounds and in buildings by individuals for personal use. 


The purpose of this Protocol is to:

2.1 manage the presence of animals on University grounds to maintain sanitation and health regulations as well as to reduce the risk of injury to animals, University community members and the public;

2.2 create an environment that is accessible and inclusive to all members of the campus community; and

2.3 identify circumstances where animals are permitted in University buildings.


This Protocol applies to the University of Guelph main campus, the Ridgetown Campus and Research Stations.  Animals at the University of Guelph-Humber will adhere to the relevant policies of Humber College. Students living in residence may be held to additional requirements as articulated in the Residence Contract and the Residence Community Living Standards.


The following definitions apply to this Protocol:

“Accredited Training Organization” – is a provincially or nationally accredited training organization for service animals which is recognized by the University, in its sole discretion;

 “Assistive Animals” means both Service/Support Animals and Service Dogs in Training

“Support Animal” is an Animal trained to assist an individual with disabilities and includes but is not limited to a service Animal accredited by an Accredited Training Organization (Service Animal). A Support Animal can be visually identified as one that is being used by an individual for reasons relating to the individual’s disability. If the Support Animal cannot be visually identified as outlined above, the individual must provide documentation in accordance with Section 6 confirming that the individual requires the animal for reasons relating to the disability.

“Service Animals in Training” - is an Animal in training with an Accredited Training Organization

to become a Service Animal and that does not currently satisfy the documentation requirements of a service animal.

“Common Areas” – areas within University buildings and facilities generally open to visitors and which are not identified as food areas or controlled areas.

“Food Eating Areas” – means snack bars and common areas where meals are eaten but not prepared or served.This includes but is not limited to the upper level of Centre Six, the Science Atrium and the common eating areas in student residences and Creelman Hall.

“Meal Service Areas” – means areas where meals are prepared or served. This includes but is not limited to the lower level of Centre Six and the meal preparation area of Creelman Hall.

“Controlled Areas” – areas within University buildings and facilities which are either not normally open to visitors or areas where the University has determined the presence of Animals may constitute a risk to safety or potential disruption. Examples include but are not limited to Student Residences, Child Care and Learning Centre, Kitchen facilities, and teaching or research laboratories.


5.1 Animals are not permitted on University grounds unless they are leashed or otherwise properly restrained and do not, in the University’s sole discretion, present a risk of harm to persons, other animals, or the operations of the University.

5.2 Individuals bringing their animals onto University grounds are responsible for disposing of their animal’s excrement into an appropriate solid-waste receptacle.

5.3 Any animal that is unrestrained or left unattended will be removed.  Any costs incurred due to the damage caused by an animal, or in the removal or retrieval of an animal shall be the handler’s responsibility.

5.4 All animals are required to wear a rabies vaccination tag, as appropriate.

5.5 The University reserves the right to limit the number of Service Animals in Training allowed on University grounds and access to certain residences.

5.6 Except as indicated in Section 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9 below, animals are not permitted inside any University facility.

5.7 Assistive Animals are permitted in University buildings only in accordance with this Protocol. Assistive Animals must be accompanied by their handler at all times while on University grounds. Handlers must carry with them appropriate documentation from the University or an Accredited Training Organization.  Handlers are prohibited from transferring control to another person or requesting the assistance of other persons in supervising or controlling their Assistive Animal.  Assistive Animals not appropriately accompanied will be removed from the University.

5.8 5.8 Support Animals are permitted access to common areas and meal service areas and may be granted access to controlled areas. Requests for access to controlled areas should be made in accordance with Section 6 and will require a  Risk Assessment to be completed by Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).

5.9 Service Animals in Training are permitted access to common areas and food eating areas only.

5.10 A handler may be requested to consent to the notification of individuals who will live, work, or attend class with a Service/Support Animal or Animal in Training, such consent is not to be unreasonably withheld.

5.11 Individuals impacted by the presence of an animal in their work, study or living space should raise their concern with the appropriate authority.


The following documentation may be required to identify an Assistive Animal under this Protocol:

6.1 For a Support Animal, documentation from one of the following:

6.1.1 from an Accredited Training Organization indicating the Animal has successfully completed Service Animal training;

6.1.2 from a recognized organization certifying that the Animal has been trained to provide assistance for the particular disability;

6.1.3 If documentation as indicated in 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 above is not available, the University may accept in its sole discretion, the following alternate documentation:

a.   documentation that demonstrates that the Animal has been specifically trained to perform tasks for a person with a disability, or is an integral part of meeting the handler’s disability related needs, or

b.   written confirmation from the handler that the Animal meets the specific behavioural expectations of the University; or

c.   acceptable documentation from a Regulated Health Professional with due authority[1] who is making a recommendation consistent with their scope of practice. The Practitioner must provide a reasonable explanation of the need for the Support Animal as it relates specifically to the owner’s disability and indicate the specific tasks or functions that the Animal perform.           

6.2 For a Service Animal in training, documentation from an Accredited Training Organization indicating the animal is registered as a Service Animal in training.

6.3 In addition to the documentation noted in Section 6.1 and 6.2, the University reserves the right to require documentation satisfactory to the University, that the Assistive Animal is in compliance with applicable provincial and municipal requirements including but not limited to vaccination requirements and licensing.

6.4 The University reserves the right to require updated documentation under this section as appropriate, from time to time.


Occupational Health and Wellness and Student Accessibility Services are responsible for managing accommodations in relation to employees and students, respectively. The general principles that apply to other types of accommodation also apply to individuals seeking accommodations regarding their Support Animal. 


The presence of an animal in violation of this Protocol should be reported to Campus Community Police.


Appeals of decisions made under this Protocol may be made to the Vice-President, Finance, Administration and Risk who will forward it to the appropriate approval process


Established: 1994/95

Revised: May 30, 2011, May, 2014, August 2018


[1] Accepted professionals must be a member of: College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario; College of Chiropractors of Ontario; the College of Nurses of Ontario; the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario; the College of Optometrists of Ontario; the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario; the College of Psychologists of Ontario; the College of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists of Ontario. O. Reg. 165/16, s. 16.


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