EHS Risk Assessment - Support Animals and Access to Controlled Areas
The University has an Animal on Campus Protocol and associated Animal on Campus Procedures document that identifies conditions under which Animals are permitted to be brought onto University grounds and in buildings by individuals for personal use.
An Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Risk Assessment must be completed prior to any Support Animal (as defined in the Protocol) accessing controlled areas which may include but is not limited to teaching and research laboratories.
- The Risk Assessment will be completed by EHS in conjunction with the approved accommodation from either Occupational Health and Wellness (OHW), for faculty and staff or Student Accessibility Services (SAS) for students.
- The Risk Assessment will be individually completed, with consideration of the species and size of the animal, the nature of the controlled space, potential hazards present, duration and severity of risk, probability of harm or injury, and availability of risk mitigation.
- The Risk Assessment will be pertinent to the specific controlled space being assessed. A new Risk Assessment must be completed for access to subsequent controlled spaces.
- The Risk Assessment will be documented and shared with the individual being accommodated, OHW or SAS as applicable and other University stakeholders as required in support of the accommodation.
- The individual requesting access to the controlled space is responsible for attaining the EHS Risk Assessment prior to the need for access to the controlled space and any subsequent risk assessments needed as described above.
To have a risk assessment completed, please contact Environmental Health and Safety at or 519-824-4120 ext. 53282.