RBC Lunch and Learn: Retirement Planning and Transition

Date and Time


Online - Link will be provided closer to the session


Planning for your retirement is just the first step. Defining how and when you will retire can be overwhelming, and is often fraught with questions. Will I have enough money to retire? Where will my retirement income come from? How will I fill my time in retirement? In this session we will answer some of these common questions and provide you with some insight into how to prepare for this transition and live in retirement your way.

Cancellation Policy

Please cancel no later than 2 days in advance to ensure we can give your spot to someone on the waiting list.


Advisors from RBC and their community partners

Event Registration

Register through Qualtrics! Registration closes 2 working days prior to the session.


Phone: 56800

Email: landd@uoguelph.ca

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