There is a cost associated with Professional Development Reimbursement and other benefits. What are these?

Professional Development Reimbursement (PDR)
In the interest of staff development, the University provides an annual Professional Development Reimbursement to eligible employees.  Eligibility criteria and amounts are outlined in applicable collective agreements and/or compacts.   The value of PDR varies by employee group.    The value showing on your Total Compensation statement is the maximum available to you based on your employee group and employment status.

Other benefits provided include:

  • A tuition scholarship plan for dependants and spouses
  • Supplemental income payments for those who are absent from work due to maternity or parental leave
  • Confidential, professional counseling through the Employee Assistance Program
  • Tuition Waiver for regular full-time employees who have completed one year of service
  • Athletic Fee Subsidy
  • Learning and development opportunities

The value of these other benefits varies according to need and usage.  Not all employees are eligible for all of these benefits.  The total cost to the University for providing these benefits in the fiscal year ending April 30, 2015 was approximately $1,019 per member eligible.