Jonathan Chang

Hello everyone:
My name is Jonathan Chang and I work at the University of Guelph at Laboratory Services. I started working as a work-study student in the Virology department around 8 years ago and I've been working there full time for 5 years!
I've volunteered locally at a variety of places, but never overseas! I traveled to some Asian countries and many times in the States but never down to central or South America.
I studied Biomedical Toxicology for my Bachelor's degree at the University of Guelph. I started working at the University of Guelph's Laboratory Services since my second year as a student and have been here ever since. I have background studies in Analytical Chemistry techniques such as HPLC, GCMS, UV/Vis, AAS and ICP-AES. In my current role at the Animal Health Laboratory, my focus is on the diagnostics of animal health. Recently I've taken courses to become Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA)'s certified Internal Auditor to improve the Quality Assurance of the Laboratory.
I will be working at Proleche / Probolivia subsidiary division of Ministry of Productive Development and Plural Economy of Bolivia. I am to conduct an analysis on food and specifically milk quality to match Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). I will support and train the staff on the method development and implementation of GLP principles. I will also be reviewing their current Laboratory Procedures and develop Quality Assurance workshops.
Working at the laboratory and my variety of volunteering in local communities, I’ve had experience working with different groups of people including women and children. I’ve decided to a step up and get involved globally to help out other countries. I hope my experience here can help in developing the region to improve their quality of living.
With my background in Analytical Chemistry, Virology and Quality Assurance, I am hoping I can share my knowledge of GLP and methods to advance and improve their Milk Quality testing.