Leanne Piper

I am passionate about many things - heritage architecture, environment, local history and politics - just to name a few. I have been working as a Manager in Student Affairs since 2011, after serving in a similar capacity for many years at McMaster University. I love this university and the City of Guelph and have raised my four kids one block from the Speed River.
I am looking forward to my L4C placement in the fall. My mandate will involve marketing and website development for two colleges in Arusha.
Current position: Manager, Residence Admissions, Marketing and Family Housing Rentals (Student Housing Services)
This position includes marketing and website design and content for the department, which is the focus of my assigned L4C mandate.
Current position: City Councillor, City of Guelph
This is my third term of office on Guelph City Council. I previously served as a Trustee of the Upper Grand District School Board. In this capacity I have been a member of the Guelph Police Services Board, Macdonald Stewart Art Centre Board, Guelph Junction Railway Board, Family and Children's Services Board of Directors, and Board of Public Health.
Education: BA Honours in History and English (McMaster) and MA Leadership (Guelph).
Professional Background:
I have worked in the public, private and non-profit sector:
Manager, Conference and Admissions, McMaster University
Director of Communications, 4-H Ontario
Rental Agent, Sifton Properties Ltd.
Owner/Publisher, Log Cabin Publishing