Grant & Trust-Funded Positions

Grant and Trust Standardized Job Classifications

The University of Guelph is a research‐intensive university, with research areas ranging from agriculture, animal and human health, environment, cultural and creative inquiry, social and economic welfare, and fundamental science. Although research projects at the University are vast and varied, there are common responsibilities and elements of work that exist for grant and trust (G&T) funded positions. In recognition of this, and to facilitate ease of administration, standardized job classifications are available for G&T positions. The standardized job classifications are intended to capture the typical responsibilities and complexity of work at each corresponding level, and have been evaluated using a gender‐neutral job evaluation system to ensure they are compensated on the appropriate salary band. 

In establishing or reviewing G&T positions, managers/principal investigators should review the standardized descriptions and if applicable select the classification that most accurately reflects the job. In selecting an appropriate classification, the major duties and responsibilities assigned should match those outlined in the description. Depending on the nature of the research project, the job may include only some or all of the duties outlined in the classification. Each level of classification builds upon the complexity, skill, knowledge and responsibility of the previous, and jobs may also perform duties included in the lower classification levels. 

If a job does not match a standardized classification, or if there is uncertainty around the classification level, managers/principal investigators should submit a completed Job Fact Sheet Summary to Human Resources for job evaluation in order to determine the appropriate salary band for the job. The job standardized job classifications are found below.


Grant & Trust Administrative and Technical positions are paid using the GTAT (Grant & Trust Administrative and Technical) salary grid which can be found on the Employee Groups and Agreements website.



Grant & Trust Professional positions are paid using the Professional and Managerial Salary Grid which can be found on the Employee Groups and Agreements website.


Grant and Trust Employment Handbooks

Employment Handbooks for GTAT and GTP staff can be found on the Employee Groups and Agreements website.