Colleen Myronyk

Hanoi Open University (HOU) Faculty of Tourism (FoT) is seeking to implement a co-op credit program to better prepare students for a career in the tourism industry. Roles and responsibilities of this position include:
-Review the current training programs in collaboration with Faculty of Tourism (FoT)’s Teachers.
-Provide consultation for the design and implementation of a Co-op model for the Faculty of Tourism.
-Provide training on implementation of the model at the FoT through workshops.
-Collaborate with Uniterra volunteers to provide workshops and/or training to other local partners (upon request).
-Prepare and draft reports required by the host organization and the Uniterra program.
-Promote the accessibility and participation of women and men and youth in all program activities.
I have worked within co-operative education and career development at the post-secondary level for over 13 years.
During my assignment, I plan to share my experience and knowledge of all things co-op. Best practices in co-operative education design, program implementation, and operations. It will be important to understand industry requirements, future employer recruitment needs, while at the same time, preparing students with a strong foundation to match these requirements. Co-operative education is a form of experiential learning for students and an excellent training investment for industry to development their future work force.
I was interested in an international volunteer opportunity and heard very positive experiences shared by previous UofG L4C participants. I am hoping to share my expertise in co-operative education, as well, learn first-hand about the culture and educational systems in Vietnam. I am motivated to serve, share, and gain a new experience.