Fernanda Svaikauskas

Research Associate working in the Physical Characterization of fats and oil in the Food Science Department
I am an experimental researcher working in the area of fats and oils. I love to look for clues that lead to the understanding of the problem that one is trying to solve. The clues are, of course, the data that comes out of the experiments. X-ray scattering is by far my favorite technique. I was born in Argentina where I did my undergrad in physics. I came to Canada as a landed immigrant. I now have 3 children, a Masters in Physics and a Ph.D. in Food Science. I love sports and the great outdoors.
Conduct an analysis of the current food production and safety practices. Support the development and implementation of a best practices guide. Provide awareness training to staff on the importance of good production practices and HACCP. Support implementation of HACCP principles. Promote the accessibility and participation of women and men, especially young women and young men, in all program activities.
Throughout my life I had been involved with different volunteer organizations to help young people in different areas. I had been involved with language, sports and science activities for young kids to young adults. After hearing from some former Leave for Change participants and their experiences, I decided that it was time for me to look beyond my comfort zone and join a more challenging endeavor. I want to be able to transfer my knowledge to those that can benefit from it and I also want to be exposed to new challenges.
I have gained lots of knowledge in the area of chocolates through my many years of working in the Food Science lab. Food safety is a key aspect in food production. I hope to be able to assist the partner in Peru with their needs in these two areas. I align myself with Uniterra's mandate of equality among men and women and the promotion of women and youth in the workplace. I also want to share with them my passion for sports and activities that take you outside. Going on canoe trips in remote areas in Ontario is a favorite activity in my household.