502 Paid Holidays, All Staff

Revised: December 2018

The following paid holidays will be observed by the University:

* New Year's Day

* Family Day

* Good Friday

* Victoria Day

* Canada Day

* Civic Holiday

* Labour Day

* Thanksgiving Day

* Christmas Day

* Boxing Day

* the Day before New Year's Day

In each calendar year, provided that fourteen (14) calendar days' notice is given to their immediate supervisor and in keeping with department requirements, each employee shall be entitled to two (2) other days as "additional paid holidays" per calendar year, but only one (1) during the first six (6) months of employment. An "additional paid holiday" may not be carried over into a new calendar year.

The University will provide annually to regular full-time and temporary full-time employees, the additional designated days off with pay to coincide with the University's December/January Holiday Closure and to provide the employee with uninterrupted time off. Employees scheduled to work on these designated days will be granted a day off with pay at some other time. Premium pay, other than for normal overtime, does not apply for work on these designated days.

In order to qualify for holiday pay, a regular full-time or temporary full-time employee must work his/her full scheduled shifts immediately preceding and immediately following the holiday except in cases of excused illness, or other reasonable cause, in which case the employee shall receive the holiday pay. The University reserves the right to request reasonable information to support payment in these circumstances.

Work on a Holiday

A University employee required to work and notified of this requirement by their supervisor or designate on one of the above paid holidays shall be paid twice their normal pay for all hours worked. The supervisor or their designate, will provide the employee with a written statement that sets out the paid holiday on which the employee will work, the date upon which the substitute holiday will be observed and the date on which the statement is provided to the employee. The supervisor will consult with the employee to identify a substitute holiday date agreeable to both the University and the employee. When an agreeable substitute holiday date cannot be reached, the employee will be paid one day's pay or appropriate portion thereof in lieu of such substitute day off. Written statements and/or record of payment must be signed, and dated and retained by the department for a period of three (3) years in accordance with the Employment Standards Act, 2000, as amended.

Holiday pay will be computed on the basis of seven (7), seven and one-half (7-1/2), or eight (8) hours, whichever is appropriate to the employee. For employees whose regular work schedule is other than seven (7), seven and one-half (7-1/2), or eight (8) hours, it is understood that such employees who do not work on a paid holiday, will receive eight (8) hours straight time pay. An employee who works on a paid holiday will receive two times their normal rate for all hours worked plus an additional eight (8) hours statutory holiday pay. The intent is to ensure that no additional costs to the University are generated as a result of these arrangements.

In the event that one or more of the foregoing holidays occurs during an employee's vacation period, they shall receive, in addition to their vacation pay, any holiday pay to which they are entitled, or an equivalent amount of time off in lieu of the holiday pay to be taken at a time convenient to the University.

With respect to employees whose work schedule in its normal course sometimes provides days off other than Saturday and Sunday, the day on which the holiday actually falls shall be the day in respect of which holiday pay is paid or a day off in lieu is granted and in respect of which the

premium pay is paid for hours worked. This provision will not apply to calendar years in which July 1 (Canada Day) falls on a Sunday, in which case the University adheres to the Federal Holiday Act which stipulates July 2 as being the legal date of observance for all employees.

Part-time Employees

The public holidays listed below will apply to part-time (less than twenty-four (24) hours per week averaged over a two (2) week pay period; sixteen (l6) hours for custodial, trades, and maintenance) and student employees unless they:

* fail without reasonable cause to work all of their regularly scheduled day of work before or after the public holiday; or

* fail without reasonable cause to work their entire shift on the public holiday if they agreed to or were required to work that day.

The holidays are Family Day, Good Friday, Thanksgiving Day, Victoria Day, Christmas Day, Canada Day, Boxing Day, Labour Day and New Year's Day.

The August Civic Holiday AND Day Before New Year's Day are not public holidays for part-time employees.

The amount of public holiday pay to which a part time employee is entitled will be calculated in accordance with the Employment Standards Act, 2000, as amended.

An employee who has agreed to work on a public holiday and does not report for and perform the work will receive no pay for that day unless they have reasonable cause for not reporting. The University’s reserves right to request reasonable information to support payment in these circumstances.

The employee who is not entitled to a public holiday with pay as outlined above and works on a holiday shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) for all hours so worked in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act, 2000, as amended.