■ Taxonomic and Host Catalogue of the Tachinidae of America North of Mexico

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Index to taxa in beginning with letter 'E'

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This index comprises an alphabetical listing of the taxonomic names of the Tachinidae of America north of Mexico as contained in this online catalogue, as well as the “Excluded Species” named in the Introduction. Unjustified emendations and incorrect spellings are not indexed. Taxon and author names are formatted as follows:
1) Names of subfamilies and tribes are excluded. These are given in the table on the homepage of the catalogue.
2) Valid generic and subgeneric names are written in bold.
3) Valid species and subspecies names are written in regular type.
4) Synonyms, nomina nuda and nomina dubia are written in italic.
5) Parentheses around an author’s name indicate that the present genus and species combination is not the original one.
6) Only valid species and subspecies names are formatted to agree in gender with their respective genera. Species synonyms appear in their original combinations in the catalogue so their endings have not been adjusted for gender agreement in the index.

Abbreviations: A. & W., Aldrich & Webber; B. & B., Brauer & Bergenstamm; R.-D., Robineau-Desvoidy; S. & A., Sabrosky & Arnaud; S. & D., Sabrosky & DeLoach; T. & G., Toma & Guimarães; Tnsd., Townsend (in several places only to conserve space); Wulp, van der Wulp. Abbreviated author names are treated as though they were spelled in full for the purposes of ordering the index.

Select the first letter of the species or genus name from the following row:

Each link below will open a genus webpage. Scroll down the opened page to find a name or search for it using the 'find' or 'search' command in the web browser.

echinata (Thomson), Protodejeania
Echinodes Meigen
Echinomya Latreille
Echinomyodes Townsend
edwardsii (Williston), Chetogena
effeta (Reinhard), Eunemorilla
effrenatum Reinhard, Leucostoma
egula (Reinhard), Tachina
einaris (Smith), Austrophorocera
Elassomyia Reinhard
elegans (Reinhard), Spathidexia
Eleodiphaga Walton
eleodivora (Walton), Zaira
Elephantocera Townsend
elevata (West), Ptilodexia
Elfia R.-D.
Eloceria R.-D.
elyii (Walton), Ceromya
emarginata (Tothill), Tachina
Emphanopteryx Townsend
Ennyomma Townsend
Ennyommopsis Townsend
Enrogalia Reinhard
Eohyria Townsend
Eophrissopolia Townsend
Epalpus Rondani
epicydes (Walker), Phebellia
Epidexia Townsend
Epidexiopsis Townsend
Epigrimyia Townsend
epytus (Walker), Cylindromyia
equatorialis (Townsend), Chrysotachina
erecta (Aldrich), Vibrissina
erecta (Coquillett), Nilea
erecta (Sellers), Phebellia
Eribella Mesnil
erilis (Reinhard), Trigonospila
Eriothrix Meigen
erisma (Reinhard), Phytomyptera
Ernestia R.-D.
eronis Curran, Peleteria
erotema (Reinhard), Phytomyptera
errabunda (Harris), Archytas
erronis (Reinhard), Vibrissina
erucicola (Coquillett), Euptilopareia

Ervia R.-D.
Erycioides Curran
Erynnia R.-D.
Erynniopsis Townsend
erythrocera B. & B., Hesperomyia
erythrocera (Reinhard), Macquartia
erythrocera (Thomson), Ateloglossa
Erythrophasia Townsend
Estheria R.-D.
estigmenensis (Sellers), Hubneria
ethniae (Brooks), Frontiniella
Euacemyia Townsend
Euadmontia Townsend
Euantha Wulp
Eubiomyia Townsend
Eubrachymera Townsend
Eucelatoria Townsend
Eucelatoriopsis Townsend
eucerata (Bigot), Solieria
Euceromasia Townsend
euchaetiae (Sellers), Hyphantrophaga
euchaetiae (Webber), Lespesia
Euchaetogyne Townsend
Euchaetophleps Townsend
euchenor (Walker), Cylindromyia
Euclytia Townsend
Eucnephalia Townsend
Eucordyligaster Townsend
Eucoronimyia Townsend
eucosmaphaga Arnaud, Coloradomyia
Eucyrtophloeba Townsend
eudryae (Smith), Campylocheta
eudryae (Townsend), Sisyropa
euethes Reinhard, Plagiomima
Euexorista Townsend
eufitchiae (Townsend), Blondelia
Eufrontina Brooks
Eugaedia Townsend
Eugaediopsis Townsend
Eugymnochaeta Townsend
Eugymnogaster Townsend
Euhalidaya Walton
Euhyperecteina Townsend
Eularvaevora Townsend
Eulasiona Townsend

Euloewia Townsend
Eumasicera Townsend
Eumea R.-D.
Eumegaparia Townsend
Eumicrophthalma Townsend
Eumyobia Townsend
Eumyothyria Townsend
eumyothyroides (Tnsd.), Cryptomeigenia
Eunemorilla Townsend
Eupelecotheca Townsend
Euphasiopteryx Townsend
Euphorantha Townsend
Euphorocera Townsend
Euphoroceropsis Townsend
Euptilopareia Townsend
eurekana (Reinhard), Tachina
Euryceromyia Townsend
Euscopolia Townsend
Eusisyropa Townsend
Eutachina B. & B.
Euthelyconychia Townsend
Euthera Loew
Eutheresia Townsend 1911
Eutheresia Townsend 1912
Euthyprosopa Townsend
Eutricogena Townsend
Eutritochaeta Townsend
Eutrixa Coquillett
Euzelia Townsend
Euzenillia Townsend
Euzenilliopsis Townsend
Evanalia Strickland
evanida Reinhard, Phyllophilopsis
evanida (Reinhard), Tachina
evexa (Reinhard), Muscopteryx
Evidomyia Reinhard
exigua Wood, Phorocera
exilis (Coquillett), Eribella
exilis (Coquillett), Eutrixa
Exorista Meigen
Exoristoides Coquillett
extricata (West), Erynniopsis
exul (Townsend), Leschenaultia
exul (Walker), Phytomyptera
exul Williston, Gonia

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